2011 NRL Review

Featured Research - A range of articles include a sampling of NRL research from five different divisions; Materials Science and Technology, Plasma Physics, Electronics Science and Technology, Acoustics, and Remote Sensing.

Acoustics - NRL acoustics researchers study the science of sound in the underwater environment in response to Navy fleet requirements. The acoustics research covers topics such as signal processing, ocean acoustics, physical acoustics, echo strength, structural acoustics, and large area assessment techniques.

Atmospheric Science and Technology - NRL researchers conduct remote sensing research aimed at developing concepts for sensors and imaging systems, and research programs in space science and marine meteorology. Their goal is to improve our basic understanding of atmospheric processes that impact Navy operations.

Chemical/Biochemical Research - NRL's chemical and biochemical researchers study an array of topics, including advanced materials, sensors and devices; chemical/structural diagnostics, materials chemistry, surface and interface chemistry, environmental chemistry, and ship safety/survivability.

Electronics and Electromagnetics - Researchers at NRL are working on electronic components important to the military, with a focus on inventing new enabling materials, components and techniques in electronics.

Information Technology and Communications - NRL researchers carry out programs to collect, transmit, and process information in order to improve military operations. The Laboratory addresses technologies and subsystems necessary to develop architectures and systems design for next generation warfare systems.

Materials Science and Technology - NRL researchers conduct basic and applied research to develop materials of tangible value to the Navy. The research program includes the intrinsic behavior of metals, alloys, ceramics, glasses, and composites and their performance and reliability in naval structures and devices. Environmental effects on materials properties and performance are also studied.

Nanoscience Technology - NRL researchers conduct highly innovative, interdisciplinary studies at the intersections of the fields of materials, electronics, and biology in the nanometer-size domain. The goal is to bring together scientists with disparate training and backgrounds to pursue common goals at the intersection of their respective fields at this length scale.

Ocean Science and Technology - NRL scientists conduct oceanography research programs in biological, physical, and dynamical processes for open ocean, coastal, and semi-enclosed seas, using satellite and airborne sensors for environmental information; In addition, NRL carries out a broad spectrum research program in marine geology, geophysics, geoacoustics, geotechniques, and geospatial information and systems.

Optical Sciences - NRL scientists conduct optical sciences research to study the generation, propagation, detection, and use of radiation in the wavelength region between near-ultraviolet and far-infrared wavelengths to understand the basic physical principles and mechanisms involved in optical devices, materials, and phenomena.

Remote Sensing - NRL scientists conduct remote sensing research involving the earth's environment. This research has applications related to the atmosphere, ocean and land surfaces, and the celestial background, including meteorology, background and propagation effects upon systems.

Simulation, Computing, & Modeling - NRL researchers explore advanced analytical and numerical capabilities that are important to Navy, DoD, and other programs of national interest. Research goals include the development of state-of-the-art analytical and computational capabilities in fluid dynamics and related fields of physics.

Space Research and Satellite Technology - NRL researchers conduct basic and applied research programs in the areas of atmospheric physics, solar physics, solar-terrestrial relations and high-energy astrophysics. Scientists use satellites, rockets, and ground-based facilities to obtain information on radiation from the Sun and celestial sources, and to study the behavior of the ionosphere and high atmosphere. NRL also develops spacecraft, systems using these spacecraft, and ground command and control stations.

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