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Become a Partner

CCALTlogolongerInterested in joining the hundreds of organizations stepping up to pool their resources and expertise to conserve sage grouse? Great! Please fill out the form below, and SGI staff will get back to you shortly on whether you’re a fit for our Partners group.

Here are a few examples of nonprofit partners stepping up to make a difference:

Pheasants Forever has made sage grouse one of its high priorities for conservation, and serves in an organizational role with SGI, managing funding and contracts, working closely with the Intermountain West Joint Venture, the bird habitat partnership group that secures SGI partner matches and oversees science, communication and the 24 field staff.

The Mule Deer Foundation supports two of our SGI field staff in Utah, has published in-depth articles on the link between deer and sage grouse habitat in its magazine, and contributes dollars to research too.

Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory helps to carry out proactive voluntary conservation on private lands. The group teams with five other partners to support SGI field staff in Kremmling, Colorado, and in Saratoga, Wyoming. RMBO also plays an instrumental role in evaluating conservation practices
for sagebrush birds and in training land managers on practices that help declining songbirds that are closely connected to sage grouse.

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PhillipsAre you a landowner with sage grouse habitat living in priority areas where SGI focuses its efforts? We’ve made it easy for you to find out, and to speak to a person who knows the area you live in and can give you the answers.

Simply visit the NRCS Service Center Locator, click on your state, and then your county.

You can also contact SGI partner staff or your SGI State Lead for NRCS to learn more about qualifying for conservation programs that are good for the grouse and good for grazing. Please visit For Landowners for more helpful resources.

Support Our Partners

Please go to our Partners page and learn more about who they are and what they do. Visit their websites to find out how you can support their efforts to help private landowners take proactive measures for sage grouse recovery. Land trusts, from The Nature Conservancy to the Wyoming Stockgrowers Land Trust, are critical for securing and handling the voluntary agreements with landowners to conserve their lands from development and help them financially in the process.


Spread the Word

4.1sagegrouseflyingoverroadHere’s an action for everyone. Talk to your neighbor, your family and your community about the Sage Grouse Initiative, and why it matters not just to the rural west but to our nation. Write letters to the editor. Like our Facebook page and share the page and this website. Join the conversation on Twitter.

What’s the message?

SGI is forging a pathway that helps assure we meet both our food and energy needs. When we help ranchers keep lands intact and in good shape, we’re securing our food independence. When core policies like Wyoming’s go forward, they protect the bird’s strongholds, while providing places for energy development to go forward too.

That’s the practical message, but the other comes from the heart. The big open working lands that are the sagebrush-steppe of the west are as important to the spirit of who we are as Americans as our national parks and our historic monuments. We’ve lost half of the sage grouse historic range, the same places where cowboys herd cattle and pronghorn race the winds.  Today, we have the right tools and the people all rolling up their sleeves together to turn the tide and pass on the legacy.