EFNEP Reporting Requirements

EFNEP has several program specific reporting requirements. Universities are responsible for submitting these each year in addition to the Federal Financial Report, SF-425, which is due annually. Reporting requirements must be complete for federal funds to be released.

The chart below provides an overview of the EFNEP Reporting Requirements and links to their respective instructions.  Detailed descriptions can be found in the EFNEP New Coordinator Guide.

Information on statutory and regulatory responsibilities of recipients of NIFA federal funds is found in NIFA's Federal Assistance Policy Guide.

EFNEP Reporting Requirements
Requirement Due Date Where to Submit Other Details

Capacity Request for Application (RFA)


30 days after RFA posted*



Annual Update (AU) or 5-Year Plan 


July 1st


AU: due every year except years 5-Year Plans are due

5-Year Plan: due once every 5 years (e.g., 2016, 2021, etc.)

Budget Sheet/Budget Justification 


45 days after the final EFNEP allocations are published*



WebNEERS Year End Data


Nov 1st





















*Actual due dates vary from year to year. Due dates are not available until the Federal budget is approved and the final EFNEP allocation amounts for each university are calculated. They are announced over the listservs