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EY - A global perspective

A global perspective

Learn about a few of our mobility programs and opportunities, and how we encourage a global mindset.

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EY Experience

EY Experience

EY Experience provides experienced professionals with individually customized information about our firm in an interactive way.

Your development

EY - Careers
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Follow your own career path

Our reputation is founded on the talent within our business. And recruiting, managing and retaining the very best people is always a top priority. We provide consistent support to help you achieve your goals through our career development framework called EYU (EY and you). It provides you with the skills, knowledge and confidence that will be so essential to your ongoing success. In fact, you’ll be able to access one of the most comprehensive training programs in the business.

We understand that direction is important. So we’ll give you the tools, support and know-how to develop in the direction that most interests you. We believe that’s the best way to maximize your own achievements and, as a result, the success of our clients.

You’re not defined by the area of the business you work in, nor will you only work on one kind of assignment. Instead, you’ll get incredibly varied experience, get to know people from all sorts of backgrounds and explore different facets of our business. It’s the kind of rich and rewarding experience that you’ll be able to draw upon throughout your career.

Your development is at the heart of our culture. It contributes to an engaging and positive workplace for everyone, provides opportunities to reward and recognize you, and helps deliver a differentiated service to our clients.

In short, it is the foundation for continued success — yours and ours.

Learning never stops

Our global learning curriculum will equip you with knowledge and skills that are designed to last a lifetime. On the one hand, it will build your general business skills and acumen. On the other, it is designed to constantly refresh and enhance your technical skills across our service lines so you can provide an enhanced service and form even stronger client relationships.

There are also many structured opportunities to enhance your leadership and relationship skills, building expertise that will help you both inside and outside EY.

We currently offer more than 16,000 courses on our learning management system. Last year, our people undertook more than six million hours of learning and completed over 700,000 courses. So you can be confident you’ll have time and space to pursue your learning goals.

Use this system to structure your learning, but also as a way of validating your achievements. Wherever you are located, you’ll be able to demonstrate you had the technical training you need from a regulatory perspective.

Our success — and that of our clients — depends on our people, so we take your development seriously.

Up to 70% of your personal and professional development comes from everyday experiences

We know that the most enriching, career-enhancing experiences are gained on the job, and so this is a formal part of our career development framework.

We plan assignments in ways that not only give our clients high-quality service, but that also provide you with the best environment for your career development. No matter where you go after finishing a project, you’ll have acquired important skills you can carry with you.

Moving within our organization

Businessman looking at mapMobility across geographical boundaries and service lines is all part of our commitment to seamless, high-performing teams. We offer cross-border and cross-service line placements with short or long-term engagements. That means you’ll be able to work in different environments, which offer exciting and challenging experiences.

It will help you develop an inclusive mind-set and help our clients to thrive in an increasingly global market.

Using your skills in the community

Business meetingDevelopment isn’t just about learning. It's about sharing your expertise with others too. You’ll be encouraged to use your professional skills within the community — giving something back, but also applying your leadership and communication skills in new and, often demanding, ways.

The support you need, when you need it

Coaching enables you to have open, honest conversations between people at all levels, throughout our organization. This ranges from daily, informal, on-the-job coaching to project feedback and periodic formal performance reviews.

So at one end of the scale you may adopt a mentor with whom you can have ongoing conversations about particular skills or issues. At the other, you’ll have a counselor with whom you’ll have more formal performance reviews and receive structured feedback from.

As your skills and expertise develop, we’ll also expect you to share your knowledge with and provide honest, constructive feedback to others.

On-the-job coaching

EY - CareersOn-the-job coaching helps you gain a broader perspective, increases clarity and addresses particular issues and challenges.

Working with a colleague who can coach you on a work-related issue will help you gain deeper insight into your own performance. The things you learn can jumpstart your career progression.

Counseling — performance reviews

CareersPerformance conversations allow you and your counselor to evaluate your performance by bringing together and considering multiple views. They’re an excellent way to identify where to focus your development efforts — so your next assignment can help you improve performance further.

Counseling — career development

EY - CareersIn addition to performance reviews, career development conversations are also an important aspect of coaching at EY. These conversations should challenge you to explore your individual interests, aspirations, needs and options.

They also create meaningful goals — both from an annual perspective and over the longer term.


EY - CareersUnlike on-the-job coaching, which provides daily support in your work, mentoring gives you guidance, insights and practical advice on a variety of professional development and career topics. At EY, we encourage our experienced professionals to provide mentoring to less experienced colleagues, through initiatives such as the Career Advisor program.