What to Submit

DTIC collects scientific and technical documents as well as acquisition- and budget-related materials, including technical reports, journal articles, power point presentations, and theses.

Security Classifications
Selection Content Criteria
Examples of Document Types Selected
Examples of Document Types Not Selected
Public Access Journal Articles
Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Reports

Security Classifications

DTIC only accepts the following security classifications:

  • Unclassified
  • Foreign Unclassified in Confidence
  • Foreign Restricted
  • Confidential
  • Secret

Selection Content Criteria

In accordance with DoD Instruction 3200.14, Principles and Operational Parameters of the DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program [PDF] (May 13, 1997) DTIC selects documents that include, but are not limited to, the examples listed below. Exceptions may be made to items on these lists based on overall evaluation against the selection criteria and, if necessary, a review by committee.

General Criteria for Selection
Completeness of Data Reproducibility
Extent of Activity Scientific and Technical Content
Funding Sources Security Classification
Intended Use Special Arrangements
Permanency of Value Specific Projects
Precedents Type of Document
Release Limitations Usefulness
Relevance to DoD Technical Concern         
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Acquisition Life Cycle Documents, e.g.: Patents & Patent Applications (DoD-related)
    °Acquisition Decision Memoranda (ADM) Planning, Programming & Budgeting System (PPBS) Documents, e.g.:
    °Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)     °Budget Estimate Submissions (BES)
    °Capability Development Document (CDD)     °Chairman Program Assessments (CPA)
    °Capability Production Document (CPD)     °Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)
    °System Threat Assessments     °Issue Books
    °Test & Evaluation Master Plans (TEMP)     °National Military Strategy Documents (NMSD)
Annual Reports from the DoD Labs     °Program Budget Decisions (PBD)
Bibliographies     °Program Decision Memoranda (PDM)
Briefings (DoD-related), e.g.:     °Program Objective Memoranda (POM)
    °Advanced Briefings to Industry (ABI) Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Reports
Command History Science & Technology Planning Documents, e.g.:
Conference Proceedings & Papers     °Basic Research Plan (BRP)
Congressional Documents (DoD-related), e.g.:     °Defense Technology Area Plan (DTAP)
    °Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Documents     °Defense Technology Objectives (DTO)
    °Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports     °Joint Warfighting Science and Technology Plan (JWSTP)
    °Government Accountability Office (GAO) Reports & Testimonies     °Defense Science and Technology Strategy
Dissertations & Theses Security Classification Guides
DoD Functional Area Dictionaries/Glossaries Software (DoD-related)
DoD Manpower Estimates Specifications and Standards (DoD only)
Federally Funded Research & Development Center (FFRDC) Reports Speeches (DoD-related)
Inspector General (IG) Audits (DoD-related) Studies & Analyses (DoD-related)
Journal Articles & Reprints (DoD-supported) Technical Publications, e.g.:
Lessons Learned (DoD-related)     °Memoranda, Notes, Papers
Mission Area Plans     °Interim & Final Reports
Modernization Planning Documents     °Reviews & Surveys
NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO) Documents, Meeting minutes and Announcements Training Courses (DoD-related)
Newsletters (DoD-related)  
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Administrative Papers Memoranda (Inter-Office)
Advertisements Memorandum of Agreements (MOAs)
Blueprints Memorandum of Understandings (MOUs)
Brochures, Catalogs & Posters Notices
Charts Operating Instructions
Circulars Orders
Conference Programs and Agendas Parts List
Contracting Documents & Materials, e.g.: Procedures
    °Requests for Proposal (RFP) Promotional Materials
    °Statements of Work Proposals
Correspondence Public/Case Laws
Decision Papers Status Reports
Document Declassification Lists Tables
Engineering Drawings Technical Manuals
Forms Telephone Directories
Meeting Minutes & Announcements (Except RTO) Trip Reports
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A 2013 Office of Science and Technology (OSTP) Public Access Memo requires all federal agencies with more than $100M in annual research and development expenditures, to support increased public access to research results funded by the federal government. This includes results published in peer-reviewed scholarly publications and the digitally formatted scientific data arising from unclassified unlimited research.

DTIC collects DoD-funded journal articles from authors and provides them to the public through a Public Access Search.

"Journal Articles: Managing Preprints, Reprints and Copyrights" [PDF] is an overview defining the different versions of a journal article, as well as which to submit to DTIC. It also discusses the different author copyright management categories.

"Public Access Journal Article Submission" [PDF]

Ensure that all journal articles include a funding acknowledgement when submitting to publishers:

  • Internal (In-House) example: “This material is based on work supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory.”
  • External (Contract/Grant) example: “This material is based on work supported by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the Army Research Office (W911NF-11-1-0071).”

Submit the Author’s Final Peer-reviewed Refereed Manuscript to DTIC at time of acceptance for publication

  • Include DOI and journal citation metadata
  • DTIC will embargo for 12-months from publication date before posting the manuscript on our public site.
  • Submit via the Enterprise Content Management System http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/submit/submit.html
    • Follow the ECMS Instructions as seen here. Pay particular attention to the Document Type and SubType
      • Document Type: Choose “Journal Article” if the article was published more than 12 months ago; choose “OSTP Journal Article” if the article was published within the last 12 months.
      • Document SubType: Choose “Author Manuscript” if the version you are submitting is the final author’s peer-reviewed refereed manuscript (preferred) or “Journal Article” if it is the publisher’s version.

If you have any questions regarding Public Access and/or require any additional assistance, please contact our Public Access Team at dtic.belvoir.ooa.list.publicaccess@mail.mil or call 703-767-8030.

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"SBIR/STTR Preparation and Submission to DTIC" [PDF] is a tutorial for preparing SBIR/STTR final reports. Instructions covered include the distribution statement format, SBIR Data Rights, Export Control concerns, and other document markings, as well as detailed instruction for completing the SF-298.

"SBIR/STTR FACT SHEET - Prepare & Submit SBIR/STTR Reports to DTIC" [PDF] is a summary of the above tutorial.

To submit reports electronically, go to our Submit home page.

Security, data rights and release marking and legends

Include the appropriate markings and legends on the cover page:

Distribution statements: Identify the authorized audience for access to the report.

The default distribution statement for SBIR/STTR reports is:

  • Distribution B: Distribution authorized to U.S. Government Agencies Only; Proprietary Information (DFARS – SBIR Data Rights); [enter report date]. Other requests for this document shall be referred to [enter full name and address of DoD Controlling Office] or enter “Refer to Block 9 on the SF298”.
  • Another possible choice is:

  • Distribution E: Distribution authorized to DoD Only; Proprietary Information (DFARS – SBIR Data Rights); [enter report date]. Other requests for this document shall be referred to [enter full name and address of DoD Controlling Office] or enter “Refer to Block 9 on the SF298”.

SF-298, Report Documentation Page

A completed SF-298, Report Documentation Page, [PDF] should accompany the report. The information entered on the SF-298 shall match the information and markings on the report cover.

For assistance, please contact our Information Collection Division staff at dtic.belvoir.ecm.mbx.acquisitions@mail.mil or call 1-800-225-3842 (selection 6).

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