
Corporate Source Authority System (CSAS)
Defense Technology (IR&D)
Defense Technology Transfer Information System (DTTIS)
DoD Public Access
DTIC Combatant Command (CCMD) Classified Reading Room
DTIC Thesaurus
Technical Reports (TRs)
Subject Categories
Unified Research & Engineering Database (URED)

Corporate Source Authority System Search (CSAS)

The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) maintains a Corporate Source Authority System (CSAS) which lists all organizations that have contributed information to any of DTIC's three major databases: the Technical Reports Bibliographic Database (TR), the Research Summaries Database (RS), and the Independent Research and Development Database (IR&D). Each organization is assigned a 6-digit Source Code. The Source Code is used when searching in these databases for information authored or sponsored by these organizations.

The Technical Reports Corporate Source Search allows you to search for a Corporate Source Code, by entering part of a company or agency name, or for an individual Source Code, by entering the number. Each Corporate Author record displays the root (highest) element of the organization, the parent (next higher) element of the organization, any sub-organizations or former names, and the organization's Source Code. From the Corporate Source results page, you will be able to insert a Source Code into a TR Guided Search.

Search TR Corporate Source.

If you have any questions or need assistance downloading this product, contact:

Open Government at DTIC Small Image of the Open Governmetn Icon
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Defense Technology (IR&D)

Independent Research and Development (IR&D) Federal statute encourages independent research and development by allowing contractors to claim a portion of their costs as part of the overhead in "cost plus" contracts. By reimbursing these costs, DoD encourages industry to explore new technologies with potential application to military systems.

Although IR&D projects are initiated by DoD contractors, they are not performed under contract. The activities are conducted to improve existing DoD products, meet dual use demands, or address a whole host of known or potential DoD requirements. The information is used to identify contractors with expertise in areas of interest to DoD and to avoid DoD duplication of industry efforts.

The IR&D database contains a short description of each IR&D project and a contractor point of contact. This database offers contractors a means of publicizing technical capabilities to potential DoD customers. DoD organizations are required to consider the work and accomplishments of contractor IR&D programs when planning, programming and budgeting for DoD R&D and are directed to enhance their knowledge of contractor IR&D by reviewing summary reports of contractor IR&D efforts.

The IR&D project summaries are handled as Non Classified-Sensitive-Limited Access within DTIC and are closely guarded against unauthorized access by persons outside the DoD. The database can be accessed by registered DoD users with CAC cards. The IR&D database offers DoD organizations a means to identify technological capabilities applicable to Defense needs and to avoid duplication of contractor IR&D activities by DoD laboratories or by DoD-funded R&D contracts.

Submit IR&D documents to DTIC, through the Defense Innovation Marketplace website. Additional registration is required. In order to view this information, DoD government employees can sign into R&E Gateway with their CAC card. Or Register here to gain access. (If you are a CAC card holder, registration is seamless.)
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Defense Technology Transfer Information System (DTTIS)

DTIC maintains DTTIS in cooperation with the military departments and various Defense agencies. As of September 30, 2008, DTTIS contained project information on over 8,700 DoD Technology Transfer (T2) Activities, including more than 4,850 active Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) and over 350 active Patent License Agreements (PLAs). Approximately 130 DoD Technology Transfer professionals are registered to use the secure DTTIS Web site to view and analyze T2 data. The 2008 input into DTTIS included 351 new and 301 updated records.
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DoD Public Access

As DoD prepares to implement Public Access, a search is available to aid the public in the discovery of journal articles that are already part of the DTIC collection search. DoD approach to Public Access will start with access to DoD-funded journal articles and associated datasets in intramural basic research (research that is performed by DoD personnel), then move on to implement public access for contractor and grantee-performed work. Metadata from datasets will be forwarded to

In collaboration with the Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), DoD has set up a prototype DoD Public Access Search. This search includes an initial collection of published journal articles that refer to DoD funding. When DoD begins to receive manuscripts from authors of DoD-funded research, the manuscripts will be matched against the publishers versions and combined citations will be shown.
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DTIC Combatant Command (CCMD) Classified Reading Room

Cleared Industry/Government/DoD personnel can now sign-up to review Combatant Command (CCMD) classified capability needs. A CCMD Classified Reading Room has been established at the Defense Technical Information Center to support the technology needs of the CCMDs. Individuals desiring to review a CCMD classified capability need must submit a visitor access request. A visitor access request is easy to fill out and submit.

Applicants need to submit a visitor application [PDF] request in order to be verified and approved to view CCMD classified capability needs. Only CCMDs can approve an individual to view their respective classified capability needs. DTIC staff will respond by email and coordinate a visitor's appointment once an individual is verified and authorized to view classified capability needs.

  • All personnel requesting access to the DTIC CCMD Classified Reading Room must have an active security clearance of Secret or higher and be a U.S. Citizen.
  • All personnel must petition for access to the DTIC CCMD Classified Reading Room no later than ten (10) business days prior to the desired appointment date.
  • All personnel must contact DTIC for access by sending a visitor application [PDF] request to DTIC by mail, email or fax.

Questions can be sent to
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DTIC Thesaurus

The Thesaurus provides a broad multidisciplinary subject term vocabulary that aids in information search and retrieval. Subject terms, called Descriptors, are organized into hierarchies, where series of narrower terms are linked to broader terms. After performing a Thesaurus search, a user can insert a Descriptor directly into the Technical Reports search box located at the top of each page.

Search the DTIC Thesaurus

DTIC Thesaurus files for download:

    DTIC Thesaurus in EXCEL, 11 May 2016
    DTIC Thesaurus in HTML, 11 May 2016
    DTIC Thesaurus in TXT, 11 May 2016
    DTIC Thesaurus in XML, 11 May 2016
    DTIC Thesaurus in SKOS TTL, 11 May 2016

DTIC Thesaurus Term Explanation

Terms of Use

  • The DTIC Thesaurus is not copyrighted. No license is needed to use it.
  • DTIC assumes no responsibility for any party's use or the results of such use of the DTIC thesaurus.
  • Identify DTIC as the originator of the thesaurus, especially if disseminating a modified version of the original.
  • The download does not guarantee your receipt of future updates.

If you have any questions or need assistance downloading this product, contact:

Open Government at DTIC Small Image of the Open Governmetn Icon
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Technical Reports (TRs)

Technical Reports are reports created and published to our collection by organizations funded by the Department of Defense to perform research in a variety of industries and disciplines. Technical Reports found on DTIC's public website will only include reports designated as unclassified and unlimited information. Unclassified unlimited and limited information is available through the R&E Gateway.

Search Technical Reports by using the search box at the top of every page. Here's an Example of a Citation available within the reports:

    Author, Corporate:
    General Accounting Office Date:
    Report No:
    AD Number:

Notice AD NUMBER begins with: AD0, ADA, ADB, ADP or ADC, followed by digits. The Corporate Source Authority System (CSAS) lists all organizations that have contributed information to any of DTIC's three major databases. Each organization is assigned a 6-digit Source Code used to search these databases for information authored or sponsored by the organization. Each Corporate Author record displays the root (highest) element of the organization, the parent (next higher) element of the organization, any sub-organizations or former names, and the organization's Source Code.

For more information on research documents and to research access controlled documents please visit the R&E Gateway! CAC card holders have seamless registration! If you do not currently have a CAC card, please visit our Registration page to learn more about gaining access.
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Subject Categories

DTIC has identified 25 broad subject fields and 251 groups to categorize the areas of scientific and technical interest. These fields and groups provide the structure for subject grouping of documents in DTIC's Technical Reports, Research Summaries, and Independent Research & Development collections. Fields and groups numerical codes may be used to locate relevant results in those databases.
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Unified Research & Engineering Database (URED)

The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Research and Engineering) releases the annual Unified Research and Engineering Database (URED) Data Call in late summer. All Department of Defense (DoD) components that conduct or fund research and technology development activities are requested to submit research data describing tasks and awards, funding data and demographic information to the Defense Technical Information Center during the reporting period.

The information collected in the data call enables the coordination, collaboration and transfer of technology among the DoD and federal government community. To maintain a strategic, enterprise wide view of the new, ongoing and completed research activities, the database provides a comprehensive view of research and technology development activities across the department.

  • Additional URED information is posted on DTIC's access controlled sites for registered users.
  • To view the most recent URED data call memo and the instructions for submitting data, visit the URED site on DoDTechipedia.
  • The access controlled URED site also links to the submission tool where DoD component representatives may submit data.
  • To search for URED records, you must be a DTIC registered user with the appropriate distribution level access. Use your Common Access Card (CAC ) to access the R&E Gateway Search page. On the DTIC Collection Search page, select the "Projects" box under "Content Types." Then, enter your search term(s) in the banner search box and click on the "SEARCH" button.

For questions about your access, see Registration.
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