Office of Innovative Program Delivery
Center for
Accelerating Innovation

The Center for Accelerating Innovation (CAI) is responsible for developing a national network of innovation and stakeholder collaboration within the highway transportation community. The CAI addresses the significant challenges facing the national highway system due to aging infrastructure, growing traffic volumes and limited staffing and funding resources. Widespread use of innovation and enhanced business processes is essential in meeting mobility needs and increasing the efficiency of project delivery. The CAI works with FHWA Division Offices and Innovation Deployment Teams to compile information on state-of-the-practices and innovation implementation goals of state departments of transportation and their partners.

The CAI has three major initiatives.

  • The Every Day Counts initiative is a state-based program coordinated by FHWA to facilitate the rapid deployment of proven strategies and technologies to shorten the project delivery process, enhance roadway safety, reduce congestion and improve environmental outcomes.
  • The State Transportation Innovation Council (STIC) is a task force, committee or group intended to bring together public and private transportation stakeholders to evaluate innovations and spearhead their deployment in each State.
  • The AID Demonstration Program provides funding as an incentive for state departments of transportation and their partners to accelerate the implementation and adoption of innovation in highway transportation. The AID program provides demonstration grants and other support to offset cost and risk involved with implementing pioneering innovations.
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