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Office of Innovative Program Delivery
Center for

Transportation Workforce Development

K-12 Education and Training

The Center for Transportation Workforce Development supports efforts to build awareness and interest in future careers in transportation among K-12 students. Programs and products help provide the skills necessary to succeed as members of tomorrow's transportation workforce.


Garrett A. Morgan Transportation Technology Education Program

The Garrett A. Morgan Technology and Transportation Education Program improves the preparation of students, particularly women and minorities, in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through curriculum development and other activities related to transportation. As the nation's need for a highly skilled, diverse, and multi-disciplinary transportation workforce continues to grow, the program hopes to "Prepare today's youth to become tomorrow's transportation professionals." The program:

  • Builds a bridge between America's youth and the transportation community
  • Improves elementary and secondary (K-12) level students' skills in STEM through curriculum development, internships, mentoring programs, and other transportation-related activities
  • Facilitates partnerships among government, academia, and the private sector
  • Increases the understanding of the transportation industry and careers, and advancing transportation workforce development

National Summer Transportation Institutes (NSTI)

In an effort to support the development of a diverse, well-qualified workforce for the 21st century transportation industry, the National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) Program serves to increase awareness and stimulate interest in transportation to middle and high school students. NSTI is a two to four week Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) - focused program that exposes students to the transportation and encourages them to pursue transportation-related courses of study at the college and university level.

Institutions of higher education host students to introduce them to all modes of transportation. Accredited colleges and universities are selected as host sites upon application to a State DOT, which provides oversight along with program support and guidance from the FHWA Division Office.

National Summer Transportation Institute (NSTI) questions, please contact Joyce Gottlieb at (202) 366-9495 or at


Fast Forward

Fast Forward is an electronic magazine designed to inspire youths to explore today the world of exciting, influential career opportunities awaiting them in the transportation industry of tomorrow. Fast Forward's informational content includes career profiles, featured interviews with real-world students and transportation professionals, and information on extracurricular programs and college scholarships.

Careers in Transportation Curriculum Project

Careers in Transportation Curriculum Project provides transportation-focused lesson plans in math, science, and social studies that educators can incorporate into existing grade 6-12 courses and curriculums. All lesson plans housed on the site were developed by teachers for teachers with input from their industry partners and are free for everyone to use.

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