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Clinton River Area of Concern Projects - 9/7/2016: This page will be used to share any documents related to the Clinton River Area of Concern Projects. The specific projects that fall with in the Area of Concern are: Shelby Restoration, St. Lawrence Bank Stabilization, Clinton River Mouth Habitat Restoration, and Galloway Creek Habitat Restoration.
Expiration date:

Presque Isle and Marquette Harbors Dredged Material Open Water Placement Site Lake Superior, Marquette County, Michigan - 7/21/2016: NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, PUBLIC GROUPS AND CITIZENS:The U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Expiration date:

Upland Dredged Material Placement, Lafarge Quarry, Alpena, Michigan - 7/5/2016: NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, PUBLIC GROUPS AND CITIZENS: 1.  The Detroit District, U.S. Army,
Expiration date:

Manistique Dredged Material Upland Placement - 6/15/2016: NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, PUBLIC GROUPS AND CITIZENS:The U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Expiration date:

Maintenance of the North Revetment and Pier of Superior Entry of the Duluth-Superior Harbor - 5/18/2016: NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED AGENCIES, PUBLIC GROUPS AND CITIZENS:The U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers
Expiration date:

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