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Posted 10/20/2015

Release no. 100915-01

Lynn Rose,


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Detroit District announces a new Great Lakes water levels outlook product available on the Corps' Website.

The 2015/2016 El Nino Great Lakes Water Level Outlook kicks off the first water level outlook product that will be updated routinely, and will display potential water levels resulting from unique climatic and hydrologic conditions that may impact the Great Lakes basin. This marks the first edition of an operational product from the Great Lakes Hydraulics and Hydrology office of the Corps.

The Great Lakes Hydraulics and Hydrology office prepares and publishes weekly, monthly and weekly forecasts of Great Lakes water levels and connecting channel depths. This product is a supplement to those forecast products and was developed to better educate the public on how Great Lakes water levels would respond under specific climatological scenarios.

The new product may be found on the Detroit District Website at: www.lre.usace.army.mil, specifically in the Great Lakes Information section at:


In addition to this new product, the Detroit District has a new look to its existing webpage for the Monthly Bulletin of Great Lakes Water Levels. The updated webpage conveniently displays the bulletin graphics at:


This product, as with all of the Corps’ Great Lakes products, is developed with input from experts throughout the Great Lakes basin to create the highest level of quality information to the public.
