Inspector General Assistance

Anyone may make a complaint, allegation, or request for information or assistance to the IG. We encourage you to attempt to resolve issues with your chain of command or the appropriate office before contacting the IG. Issues that we address are gross mismanagement; violations of law, policy, procedures, or regulations; abuse of authority, and personal misconduct.


Disclosure of personal information is voluntary. However, failure to provide complete information may hinder proper identification of you as the requestor, accomplishment of the requested action(s), and response to you.

Whistleblower Protection

To report corruption: SUBMIT A WHISTLEBLOWING OR REPRISAL COMPLAINT TO THE DOD HOTLINE. To assist potential whistleblowers, the Inspector General has designated a Whistleblower Protection Ombudsman (WPO) for the Department of Defense. The WPO is available to assist both civilian employees and military members, as well as members of the defense intelligence community seeking protection under the Defense Intelligence Community Whistleblower Program (DICWP).

Protected whistleblowing is defined as disclosing information which the discloser reasonably believes evidences:

  1. A violation of law, rule or regulation,
  2. Gross mismanagement,
  3. Gross waste of funds,
  4. An abuse of authority, or
  5. A substantial and specific danger to health or safety

Whistleblowers are protected by various government statutes and acts that prevent federal employees from taking any personal action against an employee who has engaged in protected whistleblowing.

Anonymous Filing Status

If you file your complaint anonymously, we will not know who you are. As such, we will not be able to contact you to request additional information or to give you the open or closed status of inquiry. If you have established a temporary email account to submit an anonymous complaint, without any other identifying contact information, we will not provide a response, as we have no method of verifying your identity. If you elect anonymity, without providing any contact information, you will be unable to request confirmation of receipt of this complaint to the European Command Inspector General, or to receive advisements as to "Open" or "Closed" status.

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