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NOAA Fisheries Southeast is pleased to announce the introduction of our Text Message Alert Program. The program will allow you to sign up to receive important fishery related alerts via text message (SMS).

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July is Habitat Month 
To celebrate NOAA Fisheries is highlighting some of our research and field work

Please click on the following links to read more about:

Essential Fish Habitat; A Smart Investment for Sustainable Fisheries

American "Ninja" Eels Climb Dams to Live

CWPPRA: What’s Cooking with Coastal Habitat Restoration In Louisiana?

NOAA Fisheries Publishes Final Rule to List Nassau Grouper as Threatened under the Endangered Species Act

Final Rule

Fishery Bulletin

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet a NOAA shark scientist

This week we are celebrating some of our NOAA shark scientists. Get to know the people who study these fascinating fish and find out more about some of their most memorable encounters.

Click here to read more about NOAA's shark scientists

NOAA Fisheries designates critical habitat for the Carolina and South Atlantic Distinct Population Segments of Atlantic sturgeon

Proposed Rule

Map of Critical Habitat Rivers

Press Release

Endangered sea turtles set for release back into the wild

NOAA fisheries and the Houston Zoo partner to rehabilitate and release injured turtles. 

Click to read full press release

Violence against dolphins in Northern Gulf Continues

NOAA Enforcement seeks tips after a dolphin is found dead with bullet in it off Okaloosa Island
NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement in Niceville, Fla., is investigating a case involving a dolphin found late 
Monday afternoon with a bullet lodged in its shoulder. 
Click to read full press release
Photo credit: Emerald Coast Wildlife Refuge

U.S. fisheries continue to rebuild; number of overfished stocks remains near all-time low

Total number of rebuilt U.S. marine fish stocks since 2000 rises to 39

The number of domestic fish stocks listed as overfished or subject to overfishing remain near all-time lows, according to the 2015 Status of U.S. Fisheries report to to read full press release

Click to see the entire Status of the Stocks report for 2015

Conservation efforts for Florida, Pacific coast green sea turtles working, agencies say

Those populations improving--now considered threatened, not endangered

Two federal agencies today issued a final rule [link to FR] that will revise the listing for green sea turtles under the Endangered Species Act, including reclassifying turtles originating from two breeding populations from endangered to threatened status due to successful conservation to read full press release

Recreational fishing closure for Atlantic (Georgia to New York) Group Cobia

The recreational harvest of Atlantic migratory group cobia will be closed in federal waters from Georgia to New York at 12:01 a.m. on June 20, more

NOAA expands critical habitat for endangered North Atlantic right whales

Using new information not previously available, NOAA Fisheries is expanding critical habitat for endangered North Atlantic right whales to cover its northeast feeding areas in the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank region and southeast calving grounds from North Carolina to more

A mother North Atlantic right whale and her calf. NOAA Fisheries is expanding critical habitat for these endangered animals. (Photo Credit: NOAA)

NOAA expands opportunities for U.S. aquaculture

Groundbreaking rule opens the door for seafood farming in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico NOAA filed a final rule today implementing the nation’s first comprehensive regulatory program for aquaculture in federal more

Caption: Royal Bream raises in a floating net in Marseille, France. This represents one type of farming technology that could work in the Gulf. Credit: Giles Lemarchand

Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2016 - 2020

NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office’s Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2016-2020 considers NOAA Fisheries core mandates in the context of current fiscal conditions. The plan is not intended to capture everything that SERO will accomplish during the 5-year planning more

NOAA Predicts Below-Average Season for Commercial Harvest of Brown Shrimp in Western Gulf of Mexico

The harvest of brown shrimp in the western Gulf of Mexico is expected to be 42.8 million pounds, which is below the historical 54-year average of 56.5 million more

More than 50 endangered sea turtles set for release back into the wild

On Wednesday May 27, NOAA Fisheries, the Houston Zoo and Moody Gardens will release 51 sea turtles at Stewart Beach in Galveston, Texas. Forty-nine of the turtles are Kemp’s...

Click to read the full press release

Dolphin SMART® welcomes two new Florida businesses dedicated to conservation of dolphins in coastal waterways

NOAA Fisheries and its partners welcome Odyssey Cruises and Captain Dennis Wilson Charters to Dolphin SMART - a unique wild dolphin conservation program. Dolphin SMART recognizes businesses that responsibly advertise and view wild dolphins and educate their patrons on dolphin more

NOAA publishes final recovery plan for threatened corals

NOAA Fisheries is publishing a recovery plan for elkhorn and staghorn corals. The plan identifies criteria that, when met, will allow the coral species to be removed from the list of threatened species under the Endangered Species Act  (ESA). more

Orange County Brothers Guilty of Killing Bottlenose Dolphin in Cow Bayou, Texas

Two Bridge City, Texas brothers have pleaded guilty to federal wildlife violations after they shot at several dolphins, killing one,  while they were fishing. The Department of Justice issued a press release outlining the case..... read more

Interview with a Scientist: Saving the Bumphead Parrotfish

They are unique looking and the largest of all the parrotfish in the world. Now a new publication outlines research being done on the reproduction habits of the bumphead parrotfish in order to protect and conserve the species. Click here for more with fishery expert, Dr. Roldan Munoz and his recent work featured in PeerJ.

Photo: Dr. Munoz studies bumphead parrotfish

Tips lead to break in the case of a dolphin found dead, shot with a hunting arrow in Northern Gulf of Mexico

NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement positively identified a juvenile who admitted to shooting a bottlenose dolphin with a hunting arrow in Florida state waters. That dolphin was found dead more than a week later in Orange Beach, Ala.

NOAA federal agents requested more

First right whales of season spotted off Georgia coast

The mom/calf pair were spotted Saturday, Dec. 13 by a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission aerial survey team east of Cumberland Island, GA. The mom is a known right whale. She is 24 years old. This is her fifth documented calf. Her last calf was born in 2009.

Photo credit: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, taken under NOAA permit #15488

Reward increases to $20,000 for Alabama case of dolphin killed with hunting arrow

The reward for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the person (s) responsible for killing a bottlenose dolphin in Orange Beach, Ala., with a hunting arrow has increased to $20,000. Several organizations contributed more

NOAA seeks tips on dolphin killed with hunting arrow in Orange Beach, Alabama

NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement is investigating a second human related dolphin death in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in just two weeks. Another dolphin stranded dead - this time with a hunting arrow in its more

NOAA seeks information on pregnant dolphin found dead on Miramar Beach, Florida

NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement is investigating the case involving a pregnant bottlenose dolphin found dead on Miramar Beach in Choctawatchee Bay, more

NOAA Fisheries alerts mariners, right whales are on the move

The endangered species travels south for the winter. This time every year, marine biologists with NOAA Fisheries, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission remind all mariners that North Atlantic right whale calving season begins in mid-November and runs through more

Dolphin Harassment Continues in Florida Panhandle, Tour Boat Operator Fined

On July 8, 2014, an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrative Law Judge upheld a fine issued by NOAA’s Office of General Counsel, Enforcement Section, and assessed a civil penalty of $4,500 on a Panama City business and its boat captain for their role in feeding wild more  

Marine Outreach and Education USVI Style: Don't Stop Talking Fish Initiative 

To address a critical need to capture, document, showcase and celebrate USVI fisheries heritage and culture the Caribbean Fishery Management Council, NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program and Sea Grant Puerto Rico, in collaboration with other local and regional partners of the Marine Outreach and Education USVI Style Initiative: “Don’t Stop Talking Fish” project are in the process of coordinating a fisheries-based cultural event with focus to build awareness and appreciation for fisheries resources, habitat and more

NOAA Fisheries announces: morbillivirus outbreak reaches Florida

Image of Dolphin UME

NOAA Fisheries experts provide update on dolphin unusual mortality event along the east coast. According to experts the morbillivirus killing hundreds of bottlenose dolphins along the east coast has now reach more

For more on why animals strand click here. For more on bottlenose dolphins click here

Listen to press conference held Nov. 8.