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Wisconsin's fishing and hunting app.
Wisconsin's state parks and forests app.

Official mobile apps

Old traditions meet new technology: By bridging Wisconsin's outdoor traditions with new technology, we aim to make it even easier for outdoor enthusiasts to connect with each other, with DNR, and help deliver information needed to enjoy all of what Wisconsin's outdoors has to offer.

The Official Guide for Wisconsin State Parks and Forests

Wisconsin Parks and Forests Pocket Ranger

This all-inclusive app offers a new way to explore Wisconsin's State Parks and Forests. Users can decide which park to visit using a comprehensive list of activities or search for nearby parks or parks within a particular region of the state. Advanced GPS map technology invites users to track trails, mark waypoints and locate landmarks in Wisconsin's great outdoors.

Get the app

Wisconsin Parks and Forests Pocket Ranger iTunes Wisconsin Parks and Forests  Pocket Ranger Google Play

Or, search "Wisconsin Pocket Ranger" in the Apple App Store or Google Play from your Apple or Android device.

More information
Pocket Ranger Exchange [exit DNR]

The Official Guide for Wisconsin's Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife

Wisconsin Pocket Ranger

Gain access to useful fishing, hunting and wildlife watching information in the palm of your hand. This innovative outdoor guide, powered by Pocket Ranger® technology, brings the outdoors to your fingertips and helps you plan the perfect adventure. You will be able to locate Wisconsin's fishing, hunting and wildlife watching sites and gain immediate access to on-the-spot species profiles, rules, regulations, and permit and license details.

Get the app

Wisconsin Fish and Hunt Pocket Ranger iTunes Wisconsin Fish and Hunt Pocket Ranger Google Play

Or, search "Wisconsin Pocket Ranger" in the Apple App Store or Google Play from your Apple or Android device.

More information
Pocket Ranger Exchange [exit DNR]
Last revised: Thursday April 16 2015