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Private Nonprofit Museum Eligibility

This policy provides guidance on what constitutes an eligible Private Nonprofit museum facility. All Private Nonprofit applicants must also meet additional eligibility criteria as detailed in 44 CFR §§206.221 and 206.222 in order to receive disaster assistance under the FEMA Public Assistance Program.

  1. TITLE: Private Nonprofit (PNP) Museum Eligibility
  2. DATE: January 14, 2009
    This policy specifies the criteria that a PNP facility should meet to qualify as an eligible PNP Museum.
    The policy is applicable to all major disasters declared on or after the date of publication of this policy. It is intended for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) personnel involved in making eligibility determinations under the Public Assistance (PA) Program. This policy does not address museum collections or individual holdings as those are the subject of a separate Disaster Assistance Policy (DAP) 9524.6, Collection and Individual Object Eligibility.
    Section 406 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, 42 U.S.C. 5172 and Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)§§206.221(e)(7) and 206.226.
    This policy provides guidance on what constitutes an eligible PNP museum facility. Note that all PNP applicants must also meet additional eligibility criteria, detailed primarily in 44 CFR §§206.221 and 206.222 in order to receive disaster assistance under the PA Program.
  7. POLICY:
    1. PNP museums are facilities which are constructed, manufactured, or converted with the primary purposes of:
      1. Preserving a documented collection of artistic, historic, scientific or other objects, and
      2. Exhibiting the documented collection to the general public.

        Subject to the provisions that follow, PNP museums may be eligible for PA grant funding.
    2. Eligible Facilities
      1. The museum buildings that are used for the preservation or exhibition of the documented collection.
      2. Permanent infrastructure (e.g., walkways and driveways) of outdoor museum-type exhibition areas.
      3. PNP-owned historic buildings, including their appurtenances, such as barns and other outbuildings, intended for the preservation and exhibition of historical artifacts within a defined area.
      4. PNP-owned permanent facilities and equipment that are part of arboretums and botanical gardens.
      5. Infrastructure (water, power, sewer/septic) and administrative support necessary to support a PNP-eligible museum building.
    3. Ineligible Facilities
      1. Buildings and other assets that are not primarily used for the preservation or exhibition of artistic, historic, scientific or other objects (except as authorized in VII.B.5., above).
      2. The grounds at museums and historic sites (except as authorized in VII.B.2., above). Plant materials are subject to the provisions of DAP9524.5, Trees, Shrubs, and Other Plantings Associated with Facilities.
      3. The definition of PNP museums does not include open natural areas or features, and it does not include entities that promote the preservation and conservation of such areas.
  8. RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Disaster Assistance Directorate (Public Assistance Division).
  9. SUPERSESSION: This policy supersedes RP9521.2 dated August 17, 1999, and all previous guidance on this subject.
  10. REVIEW DATE: This policy does not automatically expire, but will be reviewed 3 years from the date of publication.

         Carlos J. Castillo
         Assistant Administrator
         Disaster Assistance Directorate


Disaster Assistance Policy 9521.2 - Private Nonprofit (PNP) Museum Eligibility (PDF 612 KB)

Last Updated: 
06/07/2016 - 09:59

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