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View Your Community’s Preliminary Flood Hazard Data

This page discusses preliminary flood hazard data (preliminary data), including how to use and access the data. This data provide the public an early look at a home or community’s projected risk to flood hazards. This page is geared towards homeowners, community officials, financial lenders and other industry professionals who want to understand how their current effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) may change when the preliminary data becomes effective.

Access your preliminary flood data search tool. If the preliminary data search tool is unavailable, please visit the alternate site to view your data.

What is Included in Preliminary Data?

Preliminary data is presented as the best information available at this time and include new or revised Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), Flood Insurance Study (FIS) reports and FIRM Databases:Logo for Preliminary flood hazard data

  • A FIRM (also referred to as a flood map) is the official map that shows Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA) and the risk premium zones applicable to a community. Risk zones indicated on a FIRM providea a basis for establishing flood insurance coverage premium rates offered through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
  • FIS reports provide background information on the analysis performed and more precise data on the flood elevations in a community
  • A FIRM Database is a collection of the digital data that are used in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications for creating new FIRMs. These datasets cover a county or a community

To find your property's effective FIRM, FIS Report and FIRM Database, visit the FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC).

In addition to preliminary data, Letter of Map Revision (LOMRs) in the public appeals period will also be made available for view on the FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC), located under the community’s effective FIRM. Prior to a LOMR becoming effective, stakeholders are provided a 90-day appeal period in which they can appeal information contained within the LOMR.

Where Can I Access Preliminary Data

The public may access their community’s preliminary data by visiting the Preliminary Data Search Tool or through the MSC through the Search All Products or Product Availability Table.

The preliminary data webpages listed above undergo periodic maintenance. If you are unable to access your community’s preliminary data through these channels, please visit this alternate site.

What are the Benefits of Preliminary Data?

The release of preliminary data is an important step in a community’s flood mapping lifecycle. There are several benefits for the public and professionals in viewing their community’s preliminary data before it becomes an effective FIRM:

  • Allows the public to voice their opinions or concerns regarding how the data may affect them or to question data accuracy
  • Insurance agents can compare existing FIRMs with preliminary FIRMs to see how their clients may be affected. However, policies cannot be written using preliminary data
  • Loan and mortgage brokers can use preliminary data as a guide to determine whether a property may be mapped into a high-risk area, allowing the borrower to be informed of any changes or requirements before finalizing the loan
  • Real estate agents and brokers can determine what changes are likely to occur and how it might affect any properties for sale
  • Engineers, developers and builders can plan for safer construction

Who Can View Preliminary Data?

Anyone can view their property or community’s preliminary data. These individuals may include:

  • General public
  • Home, property and business owners
  • Community officials
  • Engineers and surveyors
  • Insurance and real estate agents
  • Community developers and planners
  • Floodplain and emergency managers
  • Financial bankers and lenders

What is the Difference Between Preliminary and Effective Data?

Preliminary data are not for use, distribution or replication until the data are finalized and labeled as “effective” on the MSC. Preliminary data are for review and guidance purposes only. By viewing preliminary data, the user acknowledges that the information provided is preliminary and subject to change. Preliminary data, including new or revised FIRMs, FIS reports and FIRM Databases, are not final and are presented on the MSC as the best information available at this time. Additionally, preliminary data cannot be used to rate flood insurance policies or enforce the federal mandatory purchase requirement. Preliminary data will be removed and replaced once effective data are available.

Unlike preliminary data, effective data and maps are official and should be used for National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) purposes and viewing risk premium zones applicable to a community. If you don’t want to view preliminary data, go to your community’s effective FIRM or effective FIS Report available on the MSC.

Are All Preliminary Data Available?

Preliminary data will be phased into this new search tool beginning in May 2013. To view preliminary data issued before May or if you have questions about where to find your community’s preliminary data, contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) at 1-877-336-2627 or e-mail

Last Updated: 
04/05/2016 - 08:59