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Dine College - The Higher Education Institution of the Navajo since 1968

Diné College, located in Tsaile, Arizona, serves the residents of the 26,000 square-mile Navajo Nation which is spread over Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. Founded in 1968, it is the first of 37 tribal colleges. Diné College has two main campuses and six community centers serving approximately 2,000 students. Diné College is a public institution of higher education chartered by the Navajo Nation. The mission of Diné College is to apply the Sá'ah Naagháí Bik'eh Hózhóón principles to advance quality student learning through Nitsáhákees (Thinking), Nahatá (Planning), Iiná (Living) and Siih Hasin (Assuring).

Sa'ah Naaghai Bik'eh Hozhoo
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