Frequently Asked Questions

Remarketing FAQ

Do you share any personal information about me with the websites where the ads are shown?

No. No personal information of any kind is shared with the content publishers that sell us advertising inventory.

Is this malware?

No. The custom ads do not install any software, malicious or not, on your computer.

Will I see the ads after purchasing?

Yes, you may see custom ads after purchasing, but you will not see images or information about products that you recently purchased on a retailer’s site.

What is TellApart?

TellApart is a technology company that helps online retailers advertise to potential and existing customers. Our mission is to enable retailers to develop deeper relationships with their best customers through more relevant marketing communications.

One of TellApart’s most widely used marketing services is called remarketing.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is the practice of showing a custom display or “banner” advertisement to a customer who browsed a retailer’s site but left without making a purchase. Remarketing can be particularly useful when customers are comparison shopping, conducting product research, or when customers need a reminder to complete a purchase they originally intended to make.

Can I Opt-Out of Seeing Remarketing Advertisements?

Yes. If you do not wish to see remarketing ads you may opt-out of TellApart advertising by clicking on the link below:

Kindly note that when you opt-out, TellApart records that choice in your browser cookies. So if you clear your cookies after opt-ing out, TellApart will no longer have a record of your opt-out status.

If you have any questions about this opt-out mechanism, please feel free to contact us at

TellApart is a member of the NAI (Network Advertising Initiative) and also adheres to the Digital Advertising Alliance’s Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising (

To opt-out of the behavioral advertising delivered by additional NAI member companies please click here.