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Region I: Mitigation - Risk Reduction Activities & Methods

Our Mitigation Division assists regional states and communities in taking steps to lessen the loss of lives and damages to property caused by disasters. This is done by taking action now —before the next disaster— in order to prevent hardship later. Mitigation efforts are proven to reduce financial impact and risks to people, animals, and buildings.

What We Do

Flood Insurance: Get the details

Planning: Identifying actions that can be taken to reduce future losses

Protecting Homes & Businesses: Building smarter and safer, and reducing financial consequences

Protecting Communities: Actions that prevent damages community-wide

FEMA Grants: Funding for activities that reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future hazards

State and Commonwealth Contacts

Fact Sheets

How We Do It

Our division consists of four different branches, each with a distinct purpose:

Floodplain Management and Insurance

Hazard Mitigation Assistance

Office of Environmental and Historic Preservation

Risk Analysis

Last Updated: 
03/16/2015 - 09:54