Aerial photo of the 12-building Department of Veteran Affairs replacement medical center under construction in Aurora, Colorado. The entire facility has been under U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' contract to Kiewit-Turner since November 2015. The project is on target for contract completion by January 2018.
DVA Replacement Medical Center, Aurora, CO
Aerial photo of the 12-building Department of Veteran Affairs replacement medical center under construction in Aurora, Colorado. The entire facility has been under U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' contract to Kiewit-Turner since November 2015. The project is on target for contract completion by January 2018.
The River Basin Balancer Game offers insight into an inland waterway and a system of reservoirs, which are operated with a goal for serving each of the benefits, flood control, navigation, hydropower, irrigation, water supply, recreation, fish and wildlife, and water quality, for which many USACE reservoirs and dams were authorized and constructed. Users can take charge of river operations and experience the unique challenges presented when managing reservoir operations in a variety of weather conditions across a geographically diverse basin.
River Basin Balancer Game
The River Basin Balancer Game offers insight into an inland waterway and a system of reservoirs, which are operated with a goal for serving each of the benefits, flood control, navigation, hydropower, irrigation, water supply, recreation, fish and wildlife, and water quality, for which many USACE reservoirs and dams were authorized and constructed. Users can take charge of river operations and experience the unique challenges presented when managing reservoir operations in a variety of weather conditions across a geographically diverse basin.
Thomas North, Senior Structural Engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Northwestern Division visited the navigation lock at The Dalles Dam for a routine inspection. The Dalles' navigation lock is one of the deepest in the world.
Division engineer named USACE Engineer of the Year
Thomas North, Senior Structural Engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Northwestern Division was awarded USACE Engineer of the Year. The award recognized his service for development of design/inspection and inventory expertise of USACE hydraulic steel structures and bridges as well as other key projects for USAID.
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STEM Outreach
Steve Fischer, Northwestern Division Environmental Resources Team Lead, and other Corps employees were at the Native American Youth and Family Center recently where they taught kids to use engineering and math skills to build BMX bikes and understand why tire pressure makes a difference in racing performance.

Latest News Releases

Draft Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and EIS available for public comment

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City and Omaha Districts, announce six public meetings to be held in conjunction with the release of the Draft Missouri River Recovery Management Plan and Environmental Impact Statement. The Notice of Availability will be published in the Federal Register on Dec. 23, 2016; the public comment period will run Dec. 23, 2016-Feb. 24, 2017. The public meetings will be held Feb. 7-9, 2017, and Feb. 14-16, 2017.

Gavins Point Dam releases reduced to winter levels; Missouri Basin runoff near average for 2016

The US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) reduced releases from Gavins Point Dam in late November to the winter release rate, marking the end of flow support for the 2016 navigation season. “Releases from Gavins Point Dam were reduced over a 3-day period from 25,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 18,000 cfs,” said Jody Farhat, Chief of the Missouri River Water Management Division. “Releases are expected to range between 17,000 cfs and 18,000 cfs this winter, but will be adjusted as needed to evacuate the remainder of water stored in the annual flood control zone prior to the start of the next year’s runoff season.” Based on the September 1 system storage, Gavins Point Dam winter releases will be at least 17,000 cfs. During the winter, the Corps will closely monitor conditions throughout the basin and will adjust releases to lessen the impact of river ice formation on water intakes along the lower river to the extent possible.

Featured Stories

Aurora, CO VA Health Center project nears 80 percent completion; focusing on the task at hand

It has been nearly a year since the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District awarded a $570 million fixed price-incentive contract to Kiewit-Turner, A Joint Venture, to continue construction of the Veterans Affairs Eastern Colorado Health Care System Hospital in Aurora, Colorado. The notice to proceed was issued a few days later on Nov. 2. The project is being constructed in partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Department of Veterans Affairs with Kiewit-Turner as the primary contractor. In mid-June, the project, 12 buildings includes 2 inpatient buildings, 2 clinic buildings, a diagnostic and treatment center, a research building, concourse, and energy center totaling 1.2 million square feet, and 3 garages for staff and visitor parking totaling 2,242 spaces, was nearly 55 percent complete.

Invaders: “The truth is out there”

In the real world, invaders ARE among us and this week, February 21-27, has been National Invasive Species Awareness week. The invasive species aren’t from another planet though. Across the United States, various invasive species threaten our natural ecosystems. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages 12 million acres of public land and is the largest provider of water-based outdoor recreation in the nation with 403 lakes and river projects in 43 states totaling 55,390 miles of shoreline.

Northwestern Division Site Buttons Division Regulatory Program Columbia River Basin Water Management Missouri River Basin Water Management Missouri River Recovery Program National Levee Database Lower Snake River Dams

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