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Heck tells AMSUS attendees: There is no higher calling than military health care

Rep. Joe Heck (right) of Nevada, member of the House Armed Services Committee, addressed those attending the AMSUS (The Society of Federal Health Professionals) 2016 meeting at National Harbor near Washington, D.C. Rep. Joe Heck (right) of Nevada, member of the House Armed Services Committee, addressed those attending the AMSUS (The Society of Federal Health Professionals) 2016 meeting at National Harbor near Washington, D.C.

Rep. Joe Heck (right) of Nevada, chairman of the subcommittee on military personnel, House Armed Services Committee, addressed those attending the AMSUS (The Society of Federal Health Professionals) 2016 meeting at National Harbor near Washington, D.C. Heck also serves as a doctor and brigadier general in the Army Reserve. During the kickoff to the event, he told the military doctors and health providers present the common bond shared by all health care professionals, in the military and civilian world, is the desire to serve those under their care. “There is no higher calling,” said Heck.

Reflecting the conference theme of “Raising the bar,” the congressman said while military health care provided is good, there is a need to do even better. He spoke of the progress being made on the National Defense Authorization Act, better known as the defense spending bill. Heck said the work being done in Congress on military health care spending is based on two main principles: making sure there are trained and ready providers, and providing a quality health care benefit for service members, retirees and family members in the Military Health System.

Joining Heck on the stage are (left to right) Air Force Lt. Gen. Mark Ediger, Air Force Surgeon General; Navy Vice Adm. Forrest Faison, Navy Surgeon General; Army Lt. Gen. Nadja West, Army Surgeon General; and Army Maj. Gen. Joseph Caravalho, Joint Staff Surgeon. Also joining the group (not pictured) were Dr. Karen Guice, acting assistant Secretary of Defense, Health Affairs, and Navy Vice Adm. Raquel Bono, director, Defense Health Agency, among others.

This gathering is an annual meeting bringing together top federal health care leaders and other health professionals. About 1,500 people are attending this year, and it runs through Friday, Dec. 2, 2016.

DHA Address: 7700 Arlington Boulevard | Suite 5101 | Falls Church, VA | 22042-5101

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