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Environmental Assessment for Colorado State Forest Fuels Mitigation Project Jackson County, Colorado (January 2012)

The CSFS, through the Colorado Division of Emergency Management, has requested FEMA PDM Program funding to implement mitigation measures to reduce the wildfire hazard in the Park. The purpose of FEMA’s PDM Program is to provide funds to States, territories, Native American tribes, communities, colleges, and universities for pre-disaster mitigation planning and the implementation of cost-effective mitigation projects prior to a disaster event. Funding these plans and projects reduces the overall risk to populations and structures, while also reducing reliance on funding from future disaster declarations. FEMA is preparing this Environmental Assessment (EA) in accordance with the Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ’s) NEPA implementing regulations (Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Parts 1500–1508) and FEMA’s NEPA procedures (44 CFR Part 10).
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Icon for file of type text/plainEnvironmental Assessment for Colorado State Forest Fuels Mitigation Project Jackson County, Colorado (January 2012)
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