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Environmental Assessment for Astro Wade Communications Tower, Highlands, Harris County, Texas (August 2012)

Harris County has been awarded funding application number 2010-SS-T0-0008 (10204) to construct a new 499-foot self supporting communications tower in the City of Highlands, Texas  This tower will provide critical assistance to emergency personnel during natural disaster and nations emergencies. The National Historic Preservation Act (NEPA) requires that federal agencies evaluate the environmental consequences of proposed actions before deciding to fund an action. These regulations are included in Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 1500–1508.  An Environmental Assessment (EA) includes an evaluation of alternative means of addressing the purpose and need for federal action and a discussion of the potential environmental consequences of the proposed federal action.  An EA related to a FEMA program must be prepared according to the requirements of the Stafford Act and 44 CFR Part 10.  This section of the Federal Code requires that FEMA take environmental considerations into account when authorizing funding or approving actions.  This EA was conducted in accordance with both CEQ and FEMA regulations for NEPA.  FEMA will use the findings in this EA to determine whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

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