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Polluted Runoff: Nonpoint Source Pollution

319 Grant Program for States and Territories

The 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA) established the Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management ProgramExit. Section 319 addresses the need for greater federal leadership to help focus state and local nonpoint source efforts. Under Section 319, states, territories and tribes receive grant money that supports a wide variety of activities including technical assistance, financial assistance, education, training, technology transfer, demonstration projects and monitoring to assess the success of specific nonpoint source implementation projects.

319 Grant Funds History
Federal Fiscal Year Grant Total (in millions)
1990 $38
1991 $51
1992 $52.5
1993 $50
1994 $80
1995 $100
1996 $100
1997 $100
1998 $105
1999 $200
2000 $200
2001 $237.5
2002 $237.5
2003 $238.5
2004 $237
2005 $207.3
2006 $204.3
2007 $199.3
2008 $200.9
2009 $200.9
2010 $200.9
2011 $175.5
2012 $164.5
2013 $155.9
2014 $159.3
2015 $158.2
2016 $163.4

Values for most years are rounded to the nearest $100,000.