CSO Weekly Report

The CSO Weekly Report is a newsletter that informs our members on activities in Congress, the federal agencies, and throughout the coastal, Great Lakes, and ocean communities. 

Executive Committee

The CSO Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Past Chairs, and regional representatives.  The Committee is responsible for setting CSO goals and priorities, developing strategies for action on key coastal issues, and speaking for the member states as a whole before Congress and federal agencies, various interest groups, the media, and the general public.

Legal Council

The CSO Legal Council provides advice and recommendations to the Executive Committee on legal matters pertaining to pending legislation and executive rulemaking.  The Legal Council also provides legal assistance and support if requested by a Delegate or Alternate Delegate, to any Member State involved in State or Federal litigation affecting the concerns and interests of CSO.  The Legal Council is comprised of attorneys in Member States appointed by Delegates of the states.