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Defense Production Act Program

The mission of the Defense Production Act (DPA) Program Division of the Office of Policy and Program Analysis is to provide guidance and support for use of DPA authorities by FEMA, other Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Components, and other Federal agencies.  The DPA is the primary source of Presidential authorities to expedite and expand the supply of critical resources from the U.S. industrial base to support the national defense and homeland security. 

DPA authorities can be used to support programs involving emergency preparedness, response, and recovery, critical infrastructure protection and restoration, and counter-terrorism, as well as military, space, and energy programs. See DPA Overview, Defense Priorities and Allocations System (DPAS), and  DPA Guidance and Publications for more information about the DPA and DPA programs.


The DPA Program is responsible for implementing FEMA's DPA responsibilities, which include:

  • Advising the President on issues of national security resource preparedness and on the use of DPA authorities;

  • Providing for the central coordination of DPA plans and programs by Federal departments and agencies;

  • Providing DPA guidance and procedures under the DPA for FEMA, other DHS Components, and other Federal departments and agencies;

  • Determining which programs involving emergency preparedness, critical infrastructure protection and restoration, and other homeland security activities are eligible to be supported using DPA priorities and allocations authorities;

  • Authorizing and supporting use of DPA authorities by DHS Components; and

  • Reporting periodically to the President concerning DPA program activities.

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Last Updated: 
04/26/2016 - 13:15