National Weather Service
National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

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Winter Storm Safety

Winter storms can bring snow, sleet and freezing rain across the entire United States and its territories. Even Hawaii gets snow in its Big Island, and major cities as far south as Atlanta and Dallas have been paralyzed by snow and ice. Blizzards occur when strong wind causes blowing snow and whiteout conditions, making roads impassable. Thousands of people are injured or killed every year in traffic accidents related to slippery roads from winter storms. 

This website is designed to teach you how to stay safe before, during and after a winter storm. You will find information on winter alerts, science and hazards, snow coverage maps, and information describing the different types of winter storms. If you or someone you know has been a victim of a winter storm, please share your story so we can prevent others from becoming a victim. When you write, please note that the NWS has permission to use your story and, if possible, let us know the town and state you were in and the year the event took place. Read about winter weather survivors.