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Association of State Flood Plain Managers Association of State Flood Plain Managers
Association of State Flood Plain Managers


ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager Program Information

The Association of State Floodplain Managers has established a national program for certifying floodplain managers. This program recognizes continuing education and professional development that enhances the knowledge and performance of local, state, federal and private-sector floodplain management professionals.

The role of the nation's floodplain managers is expanding due to increases in disaster losses, the emphasis on mitigation to alleviate the cycle of damage-rebuild-damage, and a recognized need for professionals to adequately address these issues. This certification program will lay the foundation for ensuring that highly qualified individuals are available to meet the challenge of breaking the damage cycle and stopping its negative drain on the nation's human, financial and natural resources.

CFM Education Awareness Video

View and share select portions of the above video: What is the CFM Program? | Who can be a CFM? | What are the Benefits of a CFM?

CFM® is a registered trademark and available only to individuals certified and in good standing under the ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager program.

Go to the National CFM® Exam Application page

See if your state is one of the ASFPM Accredited Chapters that administers the national CFM® Program

Adobe PDFCFM® Exam Preparation

Adobe PDFCFM® Program Fees

Adobe PDFHistory of the Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM®) Program (March 2016)


Professional certification is a peer review process administered through the Association of State Floodplain Managers. Participation in the CFM program is strictly voluntary. The program is designed to establish educational, training and experience criteria related to floodplain management, hazard mitigation, National Flood Insurance Program and to certify that an individual applicant has met these criteria.

ASFPM assumes no liability for any action or inaction made by individual CFMs during the normal course of performing their prescribed duties and responsibilities of managing development within the identified floodplains, as established by criteria of the NFIP or state and mandated by their respective employer or local government agency. ASFPM has not attempted to independently verify the information submitted by certification applicants. We strongly recommend that anyone using the professional services of any ASFPM CFM listed individual or firm contact that individual or firm directly and request and independently verify their references and credentials. Further, ASFPM assumes no liability for any action or inaction made by an ASFPM accredited chapter in accepting, denying, certifying or renewing CFMs.

This page last updated 11/16/2016

Association of State Flood Plain Managers
575 D'Onofrio Drive, Suite 200  |  Madison, WI 53719  |  Phone: 608-828-3000  |  Fax: 608-828-6319  |  Email Us

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