Found 321 results
Vora PM, Bracker AS, Carter SG, Sweeney TM, Kim M, Kim CS, Yang L, Brereton PG, Economou S, Gammon D.  2015.  A Quantum Dot Molecule Λ-System Coupled to a Photonic Crystal Cavity. Nature Communications.
Nolde J, Kim M, Kim CS, Jackson E, Ellis C, Glembocki O, Canedy CB, Tischler JG, Vurgaftman I, Aifer E.  2015.  Quantum efficiency enhancement of MWIR nBn photodetectors using 1D plasmonic gratings. 'META’15, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics.
Nolde J, Kim M, Kim CS, Jackson E, Ellis C, Glembocki O, Canedy CB, Tischler JG, Vurgaftman I, Aifer E.  2015.  Quantum Linear Magnetoresistance in Multilayer Epitaxial Graphene. META’15, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics.
Nolde J, Kim M, Kim CS, Jackson E, Ellis C, Glembocki O, Canedy CB, Tischler JG, Vurgaftman I, Aifer E.  2015.  Quantum Theory of Dynamic Nuclear Polarization in Quantum Dots. META’15, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics.
Nolde J, Kim M, Kim CS, Jackson E, Ellis C, Glembocki O, Canedy CB, Tischler JG, Vurgaftman I, Aifer E.  2015.  Quantum Well Development for Low Bandgap Solar Cells. META’15, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics.
Nolde J, Kim M, Kim CS, Jackson E, Ellis C, Glembocki O, Canedy CB, Tischler JG, Vurgaftman I, Aifer E.  2015.  Quantum Well Soar Cells for Space: The Impact on Carrier Removal on EOL Device Performance. META’15, the 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics.
Boglione L, Goodman J.  2015.  SPEAR – signal processing electronic attack RFIC. 2015 Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech).
Boglione L, Goodman J.  2015.  A tunable Marchand balun at K band in Silicon Germanium (SiGe) technology. The 9th German Microwave Conference (GeMiC 2015).
Shin S, Guyette A.C.  2015.  Ultra-Broadband Contiguous-Channel High-Power Multiplexer for Millimeter Wave Frequencies. 2015 GOMACTech Conference.
Levush B.  2013.  1.8 kWatt Broad Band Ka-Band TWT Power Booster. Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC).
Lindsay L, Broido DA, Reinecke T.  2013.  Ab initio thermal transport in compound semiconductors . Physical Review B. 87(16)PDF icon 12-1231-4088.pdf (2.36 MB)
Reinecke T.  2013.  Ab Initio Transport in Compound Semiconductors. Physical Review B. 87
Cunningham P.  2013.  Accessing Terhertz Complex Conductivity Dynamics in the ITME-Domain. Transactions THz Science and Technology. 3
Reinecke T.  2013.  Adsorbtion of NH2 on Graphene in the Presence of Defects and Adsorbates. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117(6)
