Postdoctoral appointees (Postdocs) are an integral part of the many research efforts within the Electronics Science and Technology Division at NRL. This research diversity is sustained by very close and dynamic interactions between about ninety staff scientists and engineers and about fifteen postdoctoral appointees. This gives ambitious Postdocs the opportunity to attack exciting research problems with the support and enthusiasm of scientists with expertise in a variety of research areas and techniques. These early relationships with NRL research efforts can help not only during their tenure at NRL but also in later research efforts at other laboratories. Some of our Postdocs are hired into permanent positions at NRL. In fact, a substantial portion of the Division's permanent staff members initially came to NRL as Postdocs. Others have gone on to successful careers in universities, industry, and other national laboratories.

The Division uses two Postdoctoral programs, the National Research Council (NRC) and the American Society for Engineering Education, ASEE. Both require applicants to be US citizens or be a permanent resident with a green card. NRL cannot be a sponsor for green cards. As of 2013, the salary for each program is $74,872/year. Additional benefits include health insurance, travel to conferences, and relocation expenses. Applicants for the NRC program must be no more than five years beyond receipt of the PhD degree. Applicants for the ASEE program must be no more than seven years beyond receipt of the PhD degree. Applicants for either program must write a short research proposal. Prospective Postdocs are encouraged to look at the various research projects described on these websites. If one or more is of interest, please contact us.