The Electronics Science and Technology Division has a diverse array of research facilities available to our scientists:

Advanced Silicon Carbide Epitaxial Research Laboratory

The premier research laboratory in the DoD for exploration of growth of the wide bandgap semiconductor silicon carbide (SiC) using high-temperature chemical vapor deposition and a hot-walled geometry. Current research aims at establishing tight control of point and extended defects in thick epitaxial layers for use in high-voltage, high-current power electronic devices. Research activities range from basic research studies of materials and crystal growth to more applied investigations involving devices.

Compound Semiconductor Processing Facility

Provides a research environment for hands-on fabrication of novel structures for fundamental investigations of new compound semiconductor materials, devices, and circuit concepts. Also, provides a service facility for electron-beam lithography, scanning electron microscopy, and fabrication of devices and circuits.

Epicenter for Advanced Materials Growth and Characterization

The Epicenter fabricates and analyzes heterostructures that are used in ongoing electronic and optoelectronic device efforts.

An MOCVD Reactor in the Laboratory for Advanced Materials Synthesis Laboratory for Advanced Materials Synthesis

NRL's primary site for the exploration of crystal growth via metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Current research activities include the growth of wide bandgap semiconductor materials and device structures for use in power electronics, RF communications, radar, and optoelectronics. Materials used in this activity are gallium nitride (GaN) and related alloys such as AlGaN and InGaN. Research activities range from basic research studies of materials and crystal growth to more applied investigations involving devices.

High-speed CNC milling machine for fabricating millimeter-wave amplifier structures and components Millimeter-Wave Vacuum Electronics Fabrication Facility

Fabricates millimeter-wave amplifiers based on vacuum electronics, including traveling wave tubes, klystrons, and gyro-klystrons. The fabricated devices are used for research on new ways of generating broadband, high average power millimeter-wave radiation (30-300 GHz frequencies) for emerging radar, EW, and communications applications. The MMW-VEFF also supports research on high current density electron sources and electron beam propagation.

A triple junction, amorphous silicon solar cell under color light bias mounted in the NRL spectral response measurement system Space Solar Cell Characterization Laboratory

Measures, characterizes, and analyzes photovoltaic materials and devices. The primary focus is the measurement and characterization of solar cell response to exposure to natural and manmade radiation environments. These facilities are used by a range of customers, both commercial and government, for performing experiments ranging from in-depth basic studies of radiation response mechanisms to large-scale product qualification campaigns.

The amplified titanium sapphire system for investigating ultrafast processes in condensed matter systems Ultrafast Laser Facility

Supports a broad range of basic and applied research that includes understanding primary photophysical processes in molecules, molecular films, and supramolecular systems; characterizing the low-frequency (terahertz) vibrational response of molecules; and simulating the effects of space radiation with state-of-the-art microelectronic circuitry. The Ultrafast Laser Facility (ULF) supports NRL research programs and collaborative research projects with outside universities, industry, and government institutions. Customers from the space electronics industry use the ULF as a tool to optimize circuit designs for space applications.