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Join Us for NIC's 2016 Virtual Conference and our Keynote Clark Quinn!
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The 2016 NIC Virtual Conference Site is Now Open!

 Join us for our interactive keynote session -

 Innovation by Design: Leadership for Agility

 Clark Quinn, Ph. D.

In this era of accelerating change, organizations are increasingly finding that they need to be more adaptive.  Agility stems from the ability to learn faster in the moment, not just from formal training courses.  When you are problem-solving (and designing and researching along the way) you don't always know the answer when you begin - you are inherently learning as you problem-solve. Research has demonstrated that there are robust solutions for developing the ability to innovate.  The answer comes from the power of people. We know that when we have the right practices and the right culture, we can get the best solutions.  In this interactive keynote, we will explore what innovation is, what leads to innovation, what the barriers are to innovating, and what you need to do to get moving towards leadership agility!

Who is Clark Quinn?

Clark Quinn, Ph.D., integrates creativity, cognitive science, and technology to deliver engaging and effective strategies and solutions to learning, knowledge and performance needs for business, education, government, and the not-for-profit sector. After an academic career, Dr. Quinn has served as an executive in elearning initiatives and has an international reputation as a speaker and scholar. He is the author of four books, including Revolutionize Learning and Development: Performance and Innovation Strategy for the Information Age, as well as numerous articles and chapters. He was awarded the eLearning Guild's Guild Master award in 2012.  Dr. Quinn consults through Quinnovation, tweets as @quinnovator, blogs at and is a member of the Internet Time Alliance.

Do you enjoy thinking about the future of corrections?

If you enjoy thinking about the future of corrections like we do, please invite a friend and join us for the NIC Virtual Conference 2016. With this year's theme focused on "Leading with Innovation," we've scheduled a full-day lineup of guest speakers and chats that cover some of the newest developments in the field.

Your registration for the NIC Virtual Conference gets you access to:

  • A welcome video from NIC Director Jim Cosby!
  • Conference tutorials to help you explore the functionality of the Virtual Conference portal before the day of the conference.
  • Discussion Forums where you can make comments and ask questions about upcoming presentations.
  • The Presentation Hall that features one pre-recorded session now, and descriptions of the nine live presentations that will be held on November 9.
  • The Resource Room which contains a variety of take away resources to be used long after the conference is over.

And, it's:

  • All from your desktop / laptop / tablet with internet connection!
  • All free of charge!
  • Available at your convenience!

On the day of the live conference, November 9, 2016, you will also have access to:

  • Innovation chats where you can pose a question about a burning issue for which you are seeking an answer and would like to chat with others about.
  • The Exhibit Hall, where you can chat with Subject Matter Experts on NIC initiatives and various topics from the field.
  • And, of course, the live presentations!

Share the registration link with your colleagues:

What's in it for me?

So, whether you join the virtual conference on November 9th as an individual or as part of a larger group from your organization/agency, you will each receive the same valuable experience from online learning as you would have if you each had attended a training program in person. You can also receive training credit if you attend the entire conference! It's the epitome of doing more-and training more-with less.  Can't attend that day?  Register anyway!  All sessions will be recorded and available for later viewing.

The conference opens at 9:00am ET on November 9 and runs until 5:00pm ET. Please adjust your time zone location accordingly so you can participate live!

Posted Thu, Nov 3 2016 3:15 PM by Leslie LeMaster


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