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Learn more about American Infrastructure

Infrastructure is America’s Backbone

It’s your local water main and the Hoover Dam, the power lines connected to your house and the electrical grid spanning the U.S., and the street in front of your home and the national highway system.

Learn more about American Infrastructure

Every family, every community, and every business needs infrastructure to thrive.

Every four years, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Report Card for America’s Infrastructure depicts the condition and performance of American infrastructure in the familiar form of a school report  card—assigning letter grades based on the physical condition and needed investments for improvement.

The 2013 Report Card grades show we have a significant backlog of overdue maintenance across our  infrastructure systems, a pressing need for modernization, and an immense opportunity to create reliable,  long-term funding, but they also show that we can improve the current condition of our nation’s  infrastructure — when investments are made and projects move forward, the grades rise.

Read Overview

G . P . A .
Estimated Investment
Needed by 2020:

Infrastructure Grades for 2013

A: Exceptional, B: Good, C: Mediocre, D: Poor, F: Failing

Each category was evaluated on the basis of capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience, and innovation

Explore all the national infrastructure grades

Raising the Grades: 3 Key Solutions

Our nation’s infrastructure problems are solvable if we have leadership and commit to making good ideas a a reality. Raising the grades on our infrastructure will require that we seek and adopt a wide range of solutions.

ASCE has developed three key solutions to begin raising the grades:


Increase leadership in  infrastructure renewal

American infrastructure needs bold leadership and a compelling vision at the national level.

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Promote Sustainability and resilience

Sustainability, resiliency, and ongoing maintenance must be an integral part of improving the nation’s infrastructure. Today’s transportation systems and flood control systems must be able to withstand both current and future challenges.

Develop and fund plans to maintain and enhance the American infrastructure

While infrastructure investment must be increased at all levels, it must also be prioritized and executed according to plans that both complement the national vision and focus on system-wide outputs.

Check Out the New #GameChangers Report

New innovations that change the way infrastructure projects will be done in the future.

View the Report

Take Action Today

We must commit today to make our vision of the future a reality –
an American infrastructure system that is the source of our prosperity.

Take a deeper look at the nation’s infrastructure conditions in the 2013 Report Card – from the state infrastructure facts, to the interactive charts, to our three key solutions.

Choose a state to see infrastructure facts:

Save America's Infrastructure


President-Elect’s Infrastructure Plan Gets Media Attention

For 18 months leading up to the presidential election, infrastructure notably was the policy issue that both candidates agreed on. The issue is one that


Photo Credit: Minesweeper

Infrastructure in the News: Over the River and Through the Skies, to Grandmother’s House We Go

Does it seem like holiday travel becomes more overwhelming each year? You’re not imagining it. According to  AAA, nearly 49 million Americans will travel 50


Photo Credit: Minesweeper

Infrastructure Gets a Win on Election Night

As in years past, transportation was again the prevailing theme on ballots in most every state. It was not only a time for states to


Map of US (1)

Head to the Polls and Elect to Fund Infrastructure

This election season ASCE has been monitoring state and local ballot measures across at least five states.  The issues covered include everything from general infrastructure