More than 160,000 vehicles purchased.
Buyers have seen an average savings of $2,954 off MSRP*

United States
See upfront pricing information.
Get your Guaranteed Savings.**
Save time and money.

Benefits of the Car Buying Service

Additional Subscriber Savings
Participating Dealers offer subscribers additional discounts of $100 or more on new cars.
Guaranteed Savings (in most states)
Get Guaranteed Savings** from MSRP on the new car you want. Just print out your Certificate or show it on your mobile device at the dealership to lock in your savings.
Auto inclusion of vehicle specific manufacturer incentives.
CR Recommendations
The Consumer Reports recommendation symbol is displayed for qualifying vehicles letting you know we've already put this car to the test.
Nationwide Network of Dealers
Participating dealers are dedicated to providing a hassle-free car buying experience. Select the dealers that best fit your needs.
Car Buying Service Customer Reviews
"The program saved me thousands of dollars on a new car and allowed me to avoid talking with numerous sales people to get the deal I wanted. Thank you."

2016 Toyota Prius

Avg. savings $2,894
2016 Toyota Prius

2016 Subaru Outback

Avg. savings $1,953
2016 Subaru Outback

2016 Toyota Highlander

Avg. savings $1,864
2016 Toyota Highlander

2016 Honda CR-V

Avg. savings $1,956
2016 Honda CR-V
By Accessing the Build & Buy Car Buying Service, you agree to the TrueCar Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

The Consumer Reports Build & Buy Car Buying Service (the "Service") is provided to Consumer Reports users by TrueCar operates the Service’s dealer network and the Service’s website. Consumers Union collects a fee from TrueCar for vehicles purchased from a TrueCar dealer. Consumers Union applies these fees to fund our testing programs. Consumers Union has no financial relationship with any dealer.

Neither Consumers Reports nor TrueCar brokers, sells, or leases motor vehicles. Each TrueCar Certified Dealer will confirm actual vehicle availability from in-stock inventory, including options and color choices.

The Service may not be available in your particular location.

* Between 7/1/15 and 9/30/15, the average estimated savings off MSRP presented by Participating Dealers to users of the Build & Buy Car Buying Service, based on users who configured virtual vehicles and who TrueCar identified as purchasing a new vehicle of the same make and model listed on the certificate from a Participating Dealer as of 10/31/2015, was $2,954, including applicable vehicle specific manufacturer incentives. Your actual savings may vary based on multiple factors including the vehicle you select, region, dealer, and applicable vehicle specific manufacturer incentives which are subject to change. The Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price (“MSRP”) is determined by the manufacturer, and may not reflect the price at which vehicles are generally sold in the dealer’s trade area as not all vehicles are sold at MSRP. Each dealer sets its own pricing. Neither TrueCar nor Consumer Reports brokers, sells or leases motor vehicles.

** Upfront pricing information and guaranteed savings not available in all states. In these states, a "Target Price" is presented, which reflects a market-based example of what you can reasonable expect to pay for a vehicle with your desired options. Savings is guaranteed by the dealer and not Consumer Reports or TrueCar.