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Information for Professionals

Resources for Clinicians

Emergency services physicians and nurses will be among the first clinicians to see and treat victims of radiation emergencies. Clinicians of all specialties will be responsible for providing care and information to:

  • Patients admitted to the hospital
  • Patients presenting for follow-up care
  • Concerned individuals
  • Others with questions about health effects related to the emergency

CDC and others have developed resources to help clinicians develop plans and response capacity for radiation emergencies.

Access resources for clinicians

Public Health Preparedness Capabilities

  • The Nuclear Radiological Incident Annex (a part of the National Response Framework) outlines the response activities for a radiation emergency.
  • Public Health Professionals will conduct population monitoring operations (identifying people contaminated with radioactive materials or exposed to radiation).
  • Managing medical surge in a radiation emergency will include facility preparation, surge capacity, health care provider safety, patient decontamination, triage and the medical management of life threatening injuries. The Radiation Emergency Medical Management (REMM) website provides clinicians with information on medical management of radiation injuries.
  • Radiation emergency preparation and response guidance is a reflection of the CDC's Public Health Preparedness Capabilities standards.

See all of CDC's Public Health Preparedness Capabilities
