Improving the Performance of the Transportation Industry Through Training

NHI Partnerships

NHI forges close relationships with internal FHWA groups, such as the Resource Center and TCCC, and external groups, such as the American Society of Civil Engineers, Deep Foundations Institute, State departments of transportation, and university transportation centers, to enhance the quality of training courses and provide training options to more transportation industry professionals. Over the years NHI's relationships and collaboration with its partners have flourished, and the organization is always pursuing new strategic partnerships to expand and improve the training it has to offer.

ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling

Founded in the State of Texas in 1972, ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling (ADSC-IAFD) is a professional, international, not-for-profit [501(c)(6)] trade association representing the anchored earth retention, drilled shaft, micropile, and other heavy civil construction/design industries. Our members include specialty subcontractors, manufacturers and suppliers, academicians and design engineers in the private and public sectors. The ADSC-IAFD is served by a national staff and eight regional chapters.

Through its technical committees, the ADSC-IAFD conducts technical conferences and industry trade shows; conducts design, construction, inspection and testing seminars; establishes standards and specifications; funds pertinent research; offers field and management training programs including OSHA Certification; funds academic scholarships; provides project review services to government agencies and owners at all levels; publishes and distributes technical materials and publishes and offers subscriptions to its flagship periodical, FOUNDATION DRILLING Magazine. To learn more about ADSC, please visit their Web site:

ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Since it was founded in 1852, ASCE has worked to advance civil engineering and serve the public good. ASCE has 144,000 members of the civil engineering profession worldwide, making it America's oldest national engineering society. In 2010 NHI formed a partnership with ASCE allowing NHI and ASCE to combine resources for offering geotechnical engineering training courses focused on transportation facilities through the Geo-Institute of the ASCE (G-I). Please click on the following links to learn more about ASCE and the Geo-Institute.

Deep Foundations Institute (DFI)

DFI was established in 1976 as a technical association of firms and individuals with a common interest of deep foundations and related industries. Since then DFI has grown and become an international network of heavy construction professionals dedicated to quality foundation design and construction. DFI's goal is to improve and extend knowledge of new ideas and practices of geotechnical design, construction, and installation. In 2010 NHI and DFI formed a partnership, which allows NHI to combine resources with DFI to offer selected courses from the Geotechnical Curriculum through DFI according to the needs of the organization's members. To learn more about DFI, please visit their Web site.

Deep Foundations Institute

Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Resource Center

The Resource Center helps advance transportation technologies and solutions through training, technical assistance, technology deployment, and partnerships. They provide expert technical assistance to FHWA Division Offices and their partners and assist Headquarters program offices in disseminating new policies, technologies, and techniques. The Resource Center helps with deployment of leading edge market ready technologies that will assist FHWA in advancing its strategic goals. The Resource Center is an integral part of FHWA in delivering the Federal-aid Program and achieving agency strategic goals. To learn more about the Resource Center, please visit their Web site.

FHWA Resource Center

Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) and Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP)

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) created the LTAP in 1982 to provide local agencies with information and training programs to address the maintenance of local roadways and bridges. In 1991, the TTAP was established to address the transportation needs of Native American tribes. The LTAP/TTAP Centers enable local counties, parishes, townships, cities and towns to improve their roads and bridges by supplying them with a variety of training programs, an information clearinghouse, new and existing technology updates, personalized technical assistance and newsletters. NHI partners with LTAP/TTAP to develop and provide transportation training courses pertinent to the local region or Native American tribe. To learn more about these programs, please visit their Web site.


National Transportation Training Directors (NTTD)

NTTD was formed in 1980 to improve the development and delivery of technical and organizational training, reduce costs, accelerate training delivery, and assess competencies of employees. The organization shares current technology, materials, information, products, and services among State transportation training directors; who are free to use and modify these materials for their specific department needs. NHI works with NTTD to share current transportation training with States. Visit the NTTD Web site to learn more about this organization.

National Transportation Training Directors (NTTD)

Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC)

TCCC is a partnership between the Federal Highway Administration, State Departments of Transportation and the highway transportation industry that helps train and certify the construction and maintenance workforce as well as set national standards. Their mission is to develop and maintain a national curriculum for various transportation disciplines, identify training and certification requirements, and coordinate/facilitate training efforts. To learn more about TCCC, please visit their Web site.

Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC)

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