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Mitigation eGrants System for Subapplicant Users

This page provides information on the Mitigation External eGrants system for Subgrant Applicant users, including local governments, state agencies, state-recognized tribes, and Alaskan villages, to apply for mitigation assistance to their state under the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) and Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant programs.

Note that Federally-recognized tribal governments can apply either as Subapplicants through a state or as  Applicants directly to FEMA. Please see the Mitigation eGrants System for Indian Tribal Governments Frequently Asked Questions web page for further information.

eGrants System Access

Subapplicants who wish to use the Mitigation eGrants system to apply for and manage applications for assistance to the PDM and/or FMA grant programs must register on the FEMA Portal: and then request access to the Mitigation eGrants system using the appropriate Access ID provided by their Applicant state.  Subapplicants should consult the State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO) in their state for their Access ID. States will review and approve local Subapplicant registrations for eGrants system access. Once approved, Subgrant Applicant users will receive an email detailing what privileges have been assigned to them in the eGrants External system by their state.

To read more detailed instructions for creating a profile on the FEMA Portal and registering for eGrants, see the job aid: “Registering for eGrants Accounts” in the FEMA Library.

eGrants System Homepage

The Subgrant Applicant Home Page looks like the screen shot below.

eGrants Application Process

In the application process, Subgrant Applicants users create planning and project subgrant applications and submit them to their Applicant state. Applicants may require Subgrant Applicant users to submit a project pre-application prior to a project subgrant application. Subapplicants should consult the State Hazard Mitigation Officer (SHMO) in their state for more information regarding the application process.

Grant Applicant users review and approve the subgrant applications submitted from their Subapplicants.  Grant Applicant users then create a grant application for submittal to FEMA to which they attach and rank the subgrant applications received from their Subapplicants as well as their own subgrant applications.  Please refer to the eGrants Application Submittal and Review Process web page for more detailed information.

Blank Applications

If a Subapplicant cannot use the Mitigation eGrants system to submit their subgrant applications, then their Applicant state must enter the paper application(s) into the eGrants system on the Subapplicant's behalf.  Using a blank application ensures that all of the necessary information is provided to the Grant Applicant for input into the eGrants External System.   Blank applications that conform to the Mitigation eGrants system format are available for reference from the Print Blank Applications link on the eGrants Homepage after you log into the Mitigation eGrants External system  or from the FEMA Library: Mitigation eGrants System: Blank Applications.

Training Resources

A Subgrant Applicant Quick Reference Guide (QRG) for Subgrant Applicant users on how to use the Mitigation eGrants system is available from the FEMA Library.

FEMA provides answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) from Subgrant Applicants about the Mitigation eGrants system on the Mitigation eGrants FAQs for Subgrant Applicants web page.

FEMA has created job aids on how to do specific tasks and processes in the Mitigation eGrants system. The job aid format types include printable 1-page descriptions, multi-page action guides that include screenshots of the system, and simulation/video-style job aids.  Click on a link below to access the job aid from the FEMA Library:

FEMA has developed interactive web-based training (WBT) designed to provide users the basic knowledge to use the web-based Mitigation Electronic Grants (MT eGrants) Management System. The WBT for Subapplicants can be accessed through the FEMA Emergency Management Institute website: IS-30.A: Mitigation eGrants for the Subgrant Applicant.

eGrants Helpdesk

For assistance with the Mitigation eGrants system, users can contact the eGrants Helpdesk via email at or phone at 1-855-228-3362.

Last Updated: 
05/18/2016 - 14:40