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Mitigation eGrants System for FEMA Users

This page is intended for FEMA HQ and Regional staff with Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant program responsibility who use the Mitigation eGrants Internal System to process HMA grant applications.

Internal System Access

Only approved FEMA users can access the Mitigation eGrants Internal system on the FEMA Intranet:

Access to the eGrants Internal system is provided via the National Emergency Management Information System (NEMIS) Access Control System (NACS).  NACS is used to manage security for all internal systems used by FEMA.  NACS is where your account is created and assigned various positions/roles. FEMA staff should contact their supervisor to request and approve certain eGrants-related positions in order to access the eGrants Internal System. 

A FEMA user's eGrants roles in NACS determine what processes they have access to perform in eGrants and for which of the Hazard Mitigation Assistance programs managed in the eGrants system:

  • Pre-Disaster Mitigation
  • Flood Mitigation Assistance
  • Severe Repetitive Loss (retired after 2012)
  • Repetitive Flood Claims (retired after 2012)

eGrants Internal System Homepage

The Internal eGrants system Homepage looks like the screen below.

Application Workflow Processes

The Mitigation eGrants Internal System consists of three separate workflow processes for FEMA users to manage HMA grants:

  1. Pre-Award Eligibility Workflow for managing the review of submitted applications
  2. Awards Workflow for selecting subgrant applications to include in grant award packages
  3. Quarterly Reports Workflow for monitoring grant implementation through review of Quarterly Reports

In addition, Closeout functionality was added to the eGrants system to allow FEMA users to document the close out of subgrant applications and grant applications.

Please refer to the eGrants Application Submittal and Review Process web page for more detailed information.

Training Resources

A guide for FEMA users of the Mitigation eGrants system is available in the FEMA Library:  eGrants Internal System Quick Reference Guide.

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) from FEMA users about the Mitigation eGrants system are available on the eGrants Frequently Asked Questions for Internal Users web page.

FEMA has developed interactive web-based training (WBT) designed to provide users the basic knowledge to use the web-based Mitigation eGrants system. The WBT for FEMA users can be accessed through the FEMA Emergency Management Institute website:  IS-32: Mitigation eGrants Internal System.

eGrants Helpdesk

For assistance with the Mitigation eGrants system, users can contact the eGrants Helpdesk via email at or phone at 1-855-228-3362.

Last Updated: 
12/07/2015 - 14:14