Contact Information

Fairchild Community Engagement
1 East Bong Street, Suite 228
Fairchild AFB, Wa. 99011
Phone: (509)247-5705

Community Relations

The Mission

Active community relations programs enable commanders to enhance Airman morale and readiness and public trust and support. Air Force professionals involved in the communities where they live become front-line ambassadors for the Air Force. Through active programs, the Air Force demonstrates it is a community partner and a responsible steward of resources.

Guest Speakers

Air Force and DOD assets belong to the American people and participation by Air Force people and display of Air Force equipment in public events furthers public understanding of the Air Force mission.

Per Air Force Instruction 35-105 Community Relations
Air Force members may appear in uniform at local community-wide, civic-sponsored events only when the approving commander believes participation is appropriate and in good taste; the individuals volunteer for the assignment; there is no interference with military duties or operations; participation involves no additional cost to the government; and the event meets the basic participation criteria. This applies to active-duty, reserve component, and retired military.

To make a speaker request, please contact the community relations division at (509) 247-5705 or by email at

Honorary Commanders

If you are a squadron commander, equivalent or above and are new to Fairchild Air Force Base, please contact our office with a request for an honorary commander. If you are an outgoing commander, please inform public affairs so your honorary may be reassigned.

Team Fairchild is proud to link our local community partners with our base commanders. In a banquet this fall, commanders and their honoraries will have the opportunity to join together for a dinner and celebration. The date will appear on the website once available.

To find out more about Fairchild AFB's honorary commanders, please contact the community relation's division at (509) 247-5705.

Base Tours

Base tours are provided on a monthly bases, excluding the months October through March and aim to show a portion of the Air Force story to visitors. Tours are tailored to coincide with the interests of different age groups. Advance notice of one week is required to sign up with a list of the full names of guests, their birthdates and social security numbers. Non-U.S. citizens will sign-up one-month out, per AMC coordination, and provide passport numbers and country of origin. A minimum of 10 people are required per tour. Max is 45. Special considerations needed for children under 8-years-old.

Individuals and groups of people are welcomed to sign up for base tours and will be scheduled on a first come, first serve basis when our mission allows.

To sign up, fill out the document linked HERE and return to

For more information, contact the 92nd Public Affairs Community Relations Division at (509) 247-5705.

Per Air Force Instruction 35-105: Community Relations
Air Force and DOD assets belong to the American people and participation by Air Force people and display of Air Force equipment in public events furthers public understanding of the Air Force mission.

Since limitations of time and money make it impossible to grant all requests, public affairs will take all appropriate requests into equal consideration and recommend approval based on common factors that are in the best interests of the Air Force and taxpayer.

Tours will be conducted on a noninterference basis only. Public Affairs is required to ensure there is minimal interference with normal training or operational activities, determine if it is economically feasible, and make sure appropriate resources are available.

Flyovers & Static Displays

Due to sequestratian and recent budget cuts, the Air Force can no longer support Flyover requests.

Air Force and DOD assets belong to the American people and participation by Air Force people and display of Air Force equipment in public events furthers public understanding of the Air Force mission. Air Force policy is to keep costs to a minimum. Participation requiring additional cost to the government should be avoided unless considered in the best interest of the Air Force.

Per Air Force Instruction 35-105 Community Relations
Flyover Requests

The Air Force takes part in events at military and civilian locations to keep the public and military informed of U.S. preparedness, to demonstrate modern weapons systems, to promote good community and international relations, to support Air Force recruiting and retention efforts, and to render military honors.

Flyovers of public events in support of community relation activities must be flown as an addition to an approved training mission. Air Force participation in any public event shall be in keeping with DODD 5410.18, Public Affairs Community Relations Policy, and DODI 5410.19, Public Affairs Community Relations Policy Implementation. Authority to approve most requests from organizations requesting off-base aviation support has been delegated by the OASD/PA to the military services. Per delegation from the Secretary of the Air Force memorandum "Exception to Policy Flyover Approval Request", dated 10 Aug 1998, the approval authority for Air Force participation in such events is SAF/PA in coordination with AF/A3/5.

Safety is the primary consideration. All pertinent safety regulations of the Department of Defense, Department of the Air Force, and the Federal Aviation Administration shall be strictly enforced. Air Force participation at events requires approval for eligibility and level of support (SAF/PAY) and participation approval (AF/A3O).

While the public affairs community approves the appropriateness of an event for Air Force participation, the operations community concurs on the operational issues impacting the feasibility and cost of the participation.

SAF/PAY is the approval authority for all Air Force aviation public event requests including those in support of patriotic holidays. SAF/PAY determines eligibility, IAW DOD and AF policy, for all aviation-related events and non-aviation-related events.

All events scheduled for or that may attract national or international media coverage must be coordinated with SAF/PA and OASD/PA. Send requests, through PA channels, to SAF/PAY at least 45 days before the event date or as soon as the event is known.

Requests for off-base flyovers will be considered by SAF/PAY only for aviation-oriented events (i.e., air shows, airport anniversaries or dedications) or for patriotic observances held in conjunction with formal observances, open to the public, on Armed Forces Day (third Saturday in May), Memorial Day (last Monday in May), Independence Day (4 July), Prisoner Of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) Recognition Day (third Friday in September), and Veterans Day (11 November) when held within seven days of the holiday date. Exceptions-to-policy for events other than those listed above shall be considered by SAF/PAY on a case-by-case basis after determining appropriateness and benefit of Air Force participation. Note: Sporting events require SAF/PAY exception-to-policy approval regardless of the date. For example, a professional or local baseball game on July 4th must be approved by SAF/PAY.

Static Displays
Authorized only at airfields, heliports, and landing sites meeting the qualifications prescribed in AFI 13-218, Air Traffic System Evaluation Program, as supplemented by MAJCOMs. Static displays should have at least one qualified crewmember available to answer questions from spectators and to ensure security. Static displays do not require FAA approval.

To request a flyover or static display, please follow the link below and complete per the instructions there: