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AmeriCorps State and National Grants FY 2017

NOFA/NOFO End Date: 
Wed, 01/18/2017
CFDA number: 
Contact Information

Table of Contents

Application Deadline
Intent to Apply
State Commission Competition Contacts and Due Dates
Funding Announcement, Mandatory Supplemental Guidance, and Application Instructions
Performance Measure Instructions
Technical Assistance Documents
Technical Assistance Call Schedule and Registration

2017 AmeriCorps Funding Priorities

In the FY 2017 AmeriCorps competition, CNCS seeks to prioritize the investment of national service resources in: 

  • Disaster Services - improving community resiliency through disaster preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation
  • Economic Opportunity - increasing economic opportunities for communities by engaging opportunity youth, either as the population served and/or as AmeriCorps members
  • Education - improving student academic performance in Science, Technology, Engineering, and/or Mathematics (STEM)
  • Environment - 21st Century Service Corps
  • Healthy Futures - Reducing and/or Preventing Prescription Drug and Opioid Abuse
  • Veterans and Military Families - positively impacting the quality of life of veterans and improving military family strength
  • Governor and Mayor Initiatives
  • Programming that supports My Brother's Keeper
  • Multi-focus intermediaries that demonstrate measurable impact and primarily serve communities with limited resources and organizational infrastructure, i.e. rural and other underserved communities
  • Safer communities
  • Evidence Based Intervention Planning Grants
  • Encore Programs

A separate Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity for Indian Tribes for either fully operational or planning grants will be released later in the Fall with an application deadline of Spring 2017. 

Application Deadline

The deadline for applications to the 2017 NOFO is Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Organizations that propose to operate in only one state must apply through the Governor-appointed State or Territory Commissions. Each state and territory administers its own selection process and puts forward to CNCS the applicants it selects to compete for funding. State applicants must contact their State Commissions to learn about their state or territory processes and deadlines which may be significantly before the CNCS deadlines and may have additional requirements. 

Single-state applicants from South Dakota are eligible to apply directly to CNCS for the FY 2017 competition. If you are a potential applicant from South Dakota, please contact for additional guidance. 

State Commission Competition Contacts and Due Dates

State Commissions Contacts and Due Dates (PDF) | as of October 24, 2016

Intent to Apply

Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit a Notification of Intent to apply for this competition, but it is not required. Notifications of Intent to Apply should be filed by Wednesday, December 7, 2016. You can access the (optional) Notification of Intent to Apply here

Funding Announcement, Mandatory Supplemental Guidance, and Application Instructions

2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity (PDF)
2017 Mandatory Supplemental Guidance (PDF)
2017 Application Instructions (PDF)

The AmeriCorps State and National Grants 2017 competition includes a process by which applicants may be requested to clarify information regarding a submitted application. The dates for these clarification periods appear below:

Continuation Applications: The clarification period will occur between Friday, March 24-Friday, April 7, 2017.

New/Recompete Applications: The clarification period will occur between Wednesday, April 5-Wednesday, April 26, 2017.

Although not all applications will receive requests for clarification, it is imperative that staff involved in the development and submission of the application be available to respond to clarification, if requested. 

Performance Measure Instructions

2017 Performance Measure Instructions (PDF) | updated August 29, 2016
Tutorial for completing the Performance Measures screens in eGrants
AmeriCorps Performance Measure Resources
Other AmeriCorps Performance Measure Resources (including Logic Models and Evaluation)
Evaluation Resources for AmeriCorps State and National

Technical Assistance Information

Technical Assistance Documents

Intro to AmeriCorps Members (PDF)
AmeriCorps Key Terms (PDF)
Intro to AmeriCorps State and National (PDF)
Categories of AmeriCorps Grants (PDF)
AmeriCorps Program Management and Design (PDF)
AmeriCorps Regulations 45 CFR Sections 2520-2550 (PDF)
Evidence Checklist (PDF)
Uniform Guidance Resources
How to Develop a Logic Model (PDF)

Technical Assistance Call Schedule and Registration

All calls will be recorded and the replay typically will be available one hour after the call has ended. The replay will be available for all calls through January 19, 2017. Use links below to learn how to register or get the replay number. Note: each call has some required pre-call reading materials.

Calls will be limited to 100 people. The replay number will be posted to the website after the call. If applicants are interested in just listening to the call, please use the replay number. If multiple staff members from the same organization wish to participate, please register only once and use the same call-in line.
2017 AmeriCorps State and National Grant Competition: Overview
For an overview of the 2017 AmeriCorps State and National Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), the application timeline, or other general questions about AmeriCorps and the grant competition. Participants are encouraged to review the 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Application Instructions, and Mandatory Supplemental Guidance before the call.
  • Wednesday, August 17 at 3:00 p.m. ET
    Replay # 800-839-2239 (available until January 19, 2017)

  • Wednesday, August 24 at 2:00 p.m. ET
    Replay # 888-562-7210 (available until January 19, 2017)

AmeriCorps Program Management and Design
For questions including appropriate AmeriCorps member service activities, staffing for the program, grantee responsibilities, or any other question related to program design or program management. Participants are encouraged to review the Categories of AmeriCorps Grants (PDF) and AmeriCorps Program Management and Design (PDF) technical assistance documents before the call.

  • Wednesday, September 14 at 1:00 p.m. ET
    Replay # 866-443-2933 (available until January 19, 2017)

2017 AmeriCorps State and National Grant Competition: Selection Criteria 
For questions about the AmeriCorps grant application selection criteria, grant review process, or any other questions that need to be addressed in order to complete your application. Participants are encouraged to review the 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Mandatory Supplemental Guidance, and Application Instructions before the call.

  • Wednesday, September 28 at 2:00 p.m. ET
    Replay # 800-846-0305 (available until January 19, 2017)

Organizations Serving the Disability Community
For questions about how AmeriCorps grants can support initiatives that engage and impact the disability community. Participants are encouraged to review the 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Mandatory Supplemental Guidance, and Application Instructions before the call.

  • Wednesday, September 28 at 3:00 p.m. ET
    Replay # 866-479-2459; Passcode: 92816 (available until January 19, 2017)

NOFO Priorities: Disaster Services Focus Area
For questions about how AmeriCorps grants can support disaster preparedness, response, recovery, and/or mitigation. Participants are encouraged to review the 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Mandatory Supplemental Guidance, and Application Instructions before the call.

  • Monday, October 3 at 3:00 p.m. ET
    Replay #800-933-2942 (available until January 19, 2017)
​NOFO Priorities: Safer Communities and Reducing and/or Preventing Prescription Drug and Opioid Abuse
This call will provide information and discussion around the following two priority areas: Safer Communities and Reducing and/or Preventing Prescription Drug and Opioid Abuse. Learn more about submitting a successful grant application in these areas. Participants are encouraged to review the 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)Mandatory Supplemental Guidance, and Application Instructions before the call.
  • Wednesday, October 19 at 1:00 p.m. ET
    Replay #800-568-0227 (available until January 19, 2017)

​NOFO Priorities: Veterans and Military Families
For questions about how AmeriCorps grants can support veterans, active military members, and/or their families. Participants are encouraged to review the 2017 Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), Mandatory Supplemental Guidance, and Application Instructions before the call.

  • Monday, October 24 at 2:00 p.m. ET
    Replay #888-277-9385 (available until January 19, 2017)

Best Practices in Demonstrating Evidence
For guidance about how to identify a program's level of evidence and support it with relevant data, studies, and/or evaluation reports. Participants are encouraged to review the Reporting and Using Evaluation Results online course before the webinar.

  • Tuesday, November 8 at 3:00 p.m. ET
    Click here to register!

Best Practices in Developing Performance Measures
For guidance about how to create high-quality performance measures that align with an applicant's program design and meet AmeriCorps requirements.  Participants are encouraged to review the Overview of Performance Measurement and High Quality Performance Measures online courses before the webinar.

  • Thursday, November 10 at 1:00 p.m. ET
    Click here to register!



Additional calls will be scheduled in the near future. Please check back frequently for updates. 

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