48th Operations Group

The 48th Operations Group consists of six squadrons of F-15C/D/E Eagle and Strike Eagle fighter aircraft, HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters, Guardian Angel pararescuemen, and support personnel capable of accomplishing fighter and rescue operations worldwide.  The 48th OG maintains combat-ready forces for U.S. European Command, U.S. Africa Command, and NATO operations.  The group provides training, equipment, scheduling, analysis, weather, intelligence, and command and control for all required flying operations.


492nd Fighter Squadron

The 492nd Fighter Squadron is a combat-ready, world-wide deployable F-15E Strike Eagle squadron capable of executing strategic attack, interdiction, close air support, and counter-air missions in support of war plans and contingency operations for USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, and NATO.  The 492nd FS employs the full array of air superiority and surface attack munitions to include the most advanced U.S. Air Force precision-guided weapons.


493rd Fighter Squadron

The 493rd Fighter Squadron is a combat-ready F-15C/D Eagle squadron capable of executing air superiority and air defense missions in support of war plans and contingency operations for USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, and NATO.  The 493rd FS employs the full array of air-to-air weapons and electronic identification systems.  The squadron maintains the ability to rapidly generate, deploy, and sustain operations to execute wartime and peacetime taskings in any theater of operations in the world.


494th Fighter Squadron

The 494th Fighter Squadron is a combat-ready, world-wide deployable F-15E Strike Eagle squadron capable of executing strategic attack, interdiction, close air support, and counter-air missions in support of war plans and contingency operations for USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, and NATO.  The 494th FS employs the full array of air superiority and surface attack munitions, to include the most advanced USAF precision-guided weapons.


48th Operations Support Squadron

The 48th Operations Support Squadron provides the operational foundation for five squadrons of F-15C/D/Es, HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopters, and Guardian Angel pararescuemen,capable of providing fighter and rescue operations in support of war plans and contingency operations for USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, and NATO.  Support provided by the 48th OSS includes flight and airfield management, air traffic control, weather, intelligence, weapons and tactics, scheduling, training, life support, operational plans, and group administration.


56th Rescue Squadron

The 56th Rescue Squadron provides a  rapidly-deployable, worldwide combat rescue and reaction force response utilizing five HH-60G Pavehawk helicopters.  The 56th RQS integrates with the Guardian Angels weapon system and other special forces to support insertion, extraction and recovery of both U.S. and allied combatants.  The squadron offers long-range rescue, humanitarian assistance, non-combatant evacuation, and disaster relief capabilities for USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, and NATO in peacetime, contingency, and wartime operations. 

57th Rescue Squadron

The 57th Rescue Squadron leads, organizes, trains, and equips Guardian Angel forces and combat support teams to conduct day and night personnel recovery operations in combat, as well as to provide combatant commanders with options to report, locate, recover, and reintegrate isolated personnel. Additionally, the 57th RQS provides personnel recovery, combat search and rescue, civil search and rescue, and casualty evacuation subject matter experts to fulfill USEUCOM, USAFRICOM, and NATO security cooperation requirements.