Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyAbout UsPeople


Dr. Arati Prabhakar
Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Arati Prabhakar, Ph.D., is director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Serving in this position since July 2012, she has focused the agency’s efforts on rethinking complex military systems in fundamental ways; harnessing the information explosion to address national security challenges; and planting new seeds of technological surprise in fields as diverse as mathematics, synthetic biology, and neurotechnology. More
Dr. Steven Walker
Deputy Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Dr. Steven H. Walker is a member of the Senior Executive Service and currently serves as the deputy director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Immediately prior to this, he held the position of director of the Tactical Technology Office (TTO) at DARPA. More
Program Manager, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Phillip Alvelda is a Program Manager in the Biological Technologies Office, where he is developing programs to take the latest neural engineering science and technology out of the laboratory and seed the creation of new mind-enabled industries. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Ashish Bagai joined DARPA in March 2012 as a Program Manager in the Tactical Technology Office. More
| Air |
Kerry Bernstein
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Kerry Bernstein joined DARPA in September 2012 as a program manager in the Microsystems Technology Office. His interests are in the areas of hardware assurance, hardware-based cybersecurity capabilities, and supply chain risk management, including anti-counterfeit and anti-tampering issues. His interests also include emerging post-CMOS device technologies for supporting future defense computing workloads. More
Program Manager, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Blake Bextine joined DARPA as a Program Manager in March 2016. He is interested in novel approaches to addressing issues facing agricultural biotechnology and biosecurity, including nucleic acid-based anti-pathogen/anti-pest strategies, insect and plant transformation strategies for rapid trait selection, and innovative approaches for altering insect behaviors. More
Timothy Booher
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Mr. Timothy Booher joined DARPA as a program manager in February 2014. His principal R&D focus is on cyberspace technology. More
| Cyber |
Office Director, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Thomas J. Burns is the director of the Strategic Technology Office (STO). As STO director, he is responsible for a diverse portfolio of programs in battle management, command and control; communications and networking; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; electronic warfare; and positioning, navigation and timing. More
Director for Business and Finance, Adaptive Execution Office
Mr. David Busigo is the director for Business and Finance for the Adaptive Execution Office. He is responsible for financial oversight within the office and all business activities including financial analysis, budget planning and execution. He also monitors contractual and programmatic progress of AEO programs and participates in program transition strategy development and execution. More
William Chappell
Office Director, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. William Chappell is director of the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). Serving in this position since June 2014, he has focused the office on three key thrusts important to national security. These thrusts include ensuring unfettered use of the electromagnetic spectrum, building an alternative business model for acquiring advanced DoD electronics that feature built-in trust, and developing circuit architectures for next-generation machine learning. MTO creates the MEMS, photonic, and electronic components needed to gracefully bridge the divide between the physical world in which we live and the digital realm where our information resides. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Timothy Chung joined DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office as a program manager in February 2016. His interests include autonomous/unmanned air vehicles, collaborative autonomy for unmanned swarm system capabilities, distributed perception, distributed decision-making, and counter unmanned system technologies. More
| Air |
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Christopher Clay joined DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office as a program manager in January 2016. His interests include hypersonics, fixed- and rotary-wing platform development, munitions and aeropropulsion. More
| Air |
Paul Cohen
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Paul Cohen joined DARPA as a program manager in September 2013. His research interests span artificial intelligence and include machine learning, language, vision, semantic technology, data analysis, information theory and education informatics. More
| AI | Autonomy | Data |
David Doermann
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. David Doermann joined DARPA in April 2014. His areas of technical interest span language and media processing and exploitation, vision and mobile technologies. He comes to DARPA with a vision of increasing capabilities through joint vision/language interaction for triage and forensics applications. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Graham Drozeski joined DARPA in December 2016 as a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His interests include vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, advanced guidance and control, autonomy for distributed operations, manned-unmanned teaming, human-machine interfaces, fault-tolerant systems, rotorcraft survivability, technologies for rapid deployment of forces, and aircraft design. More
| Air |
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Jerome Dunn joined DARPA in October 2013 as a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His interests include advanced munitions, counter-swarm, distributed unmanned sensor networks and counter-mine technologies. More
Yiftach Eisenberg
Deputy Director, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Yiftach Eisenberg is the deputy director of the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). In that role, Dr. Eisenberg helps set the strategic vision for the office, recruits program managers (PMs) who are leaders in their respective fields, and provides the oversight and guidance required to empower the PMs to drive the creation of breakthrough technology for national security. More
Mr. Jeremy Epstein
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Mr. Jeremy Epstein joined DARPA as a program manager in February 2016. His technical research interests span cybersecurity, with particular interest in systems security. He was previously the lead for the National Science Foundation's cybersecurity research program. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Peter Erbland joined DARPA as a program manager in February 2013. Currently, he focuses on advanced hypersonic systems and technologies including hypersonic aerodynamics and aerothermodynamics, structures and materials, and guidance, navigation and control, as well as basic and applied research in fluid mechanics, laser-based optical diagnostic techniques and numerical modeling. More
| Air |
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Joseph B. Evans joined DARPA in June 2015 as a program manager in the Strategic Technology Office. His interests include advanced networking and communications technologies with an emphasis on large-scale wireless, dynamic and cross-domain systems. More
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. John Everett joined DARPA in February 2014. His research interests focus on the intersection of automation technologies with information security. More
Program Manager , Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Fariba Fahroo joined DSO as a program manager in 2014. Her current interests expand across the areas of computational math and control theory, design and quantification uncertainty, distributed, multi-agent control and estimation, and computational control theory. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Michael Fiddy joined DARPA as a program manager in the Defense Sciences Office in September 2016. His current interests include fundamental studies of wave-matter interactions from RF to visible light frequencies. Advancing scattering and inverse scattering methods for multiple scattering media leads to new imaging techniques and tools to synthesize 2-D and 3-D materials and structures, including those with sub-wavelength features. More
Special Assistant to the DARPA Director / Navy Operational Liaison, Director's Office
Capt. Field joined DARPA as the U.S. Navy operational liaison in September 2014. Previously, he served as the Second Fleet Tomahawk Officer; a Naval Analyst for the Office of Secretary of Defense, Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation; and as Support to Strategic Analysis Section Head in the Campaign Analysis and Modeling Branch (N816) of the Chief of Naval Operations Assessment Division (N81). More
Assistant Director, Program Management, Defense Sciences Office
Ms. Kristen Fuller joined DSO as the Assistant Director, Program Management in 2014. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Jim Galambos joined DARPA in January 2015 as program manager in the Strategic Technology Office. He has a background in unmanned systems, undersea power/energy and weapon systems. His research interests include expanding combat capability through combining manned and unmanned systems. Relevant technologies include autonomy, undersea communications, unmanned vehicles, maritime power and energy systems, heterogeneous networking and the modeling and simulation of such systems. More
Program Manager, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Justin Gallivan joined the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency in January 2014. He is interested in many facets of synthetic biology, including engineering microbial communities to produce small molecules or to prevent disease, and reprogramming multicellular organisms to perform complex tasks. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Reza Ghanadan joined DARPA in 2013 as a program manager in the Defense Sciences Office. He has interests in data analytics, autonomy, machine learning and artificial intelligence in information and cyber-physical systems. At DARPA, he has been investigating the mathematical foundations and applications of these technologies to complex science and engineering problems, ranging from precision genomics and neuroscience, to robotics and human-machine collaboration. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Jim Gimlett joined the Defense Sciences Office as a Program Manager in 2013. His current research interests include novel metrology for positioning, navigation and timing leveraging advances in quantum optics, nanoscale microelectromechanical systems, and atomic and nuclear physics, and new monitoring, modeling and modulation methodologies applied to immunology. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. John Gorman joined DARPA in May 2013 as a Program Manager for the Strategic Technology Office. His interests include statistical estimation and learning, advanced radar systems, and distributed sensing. More
Daniel Green
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Daniel Green joined DARPA as a program manager in March 2013. His interests include advanced materials, devices and technology integration for electronic systems. More
Program Security Officer, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Daniel Greenbaum joined DARPA in June 2013. He provides dedicated security support to the Tactical Technology Office by serving as the advisor to the TTO office director and deputy on the establishment, management, conduct and effectiveness of TTO security programs. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Mr. Stephen Griggs joined STO as a program manager in August 2016. Prior to his arrival at DARPA, he was vice president and senior program manager for Puritan Research Corporation. This is his second tour as a DARPA program manager, having served from 2002 to 2007 as a program manager in STO. His interests lie in the areas of military imaging and surveillance technologies including electro-optics, LIDAR/RADAR, communications, networks, and sensors. He has designed, built and fielded military radars and both optical and RF communication systems. He is an expert in optical sniper systems and tactical ballistics. More
Mr. David Gunning
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Mr. David Gunning joined DARPA in December 2015, as an IPA from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). He is an experienced technology manager with research interests in artificial intelligence (AI) and human-computer symbiosis. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Mark Gustafson joined DARPA in December 2012 as a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His focus is on technology development and demonstration for aircraft and weapons, with particular interests in hypersonic systems, propulsion and rapid design and prototyping. More
| Air |
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Mr. Lin Haas joined DARPA in 2012 as a Program Manager for the Strategic Technology Office. His main program interests are in positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) and geolocation technologies, particularly in GPS-denied or degraded environments. Mr. Haas received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Roanoke College, Masters of Science degree in Engineering Physics from the University of Virginia, and Masters of Science in Management from Marymount University. More
Dr. Timothy Hancock
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Timothy M. Hancock joined DARPA as a program manager in September 2016. His research interests revolve around RF microsystem development that spans semiconductor device processing, circuit design and system integration for communication, radar, and electromagnetic spectrum- sensing applications. More
Program Manager, Biological Technologies Office
COL Matthew Hepburn, MC, USA joined DARPA as a program manager in 2013. He aims to address the dynamic threats of emerging infectious diseases with potential impact on national security. More
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Michael Hsieh joined DARPA as a program manager in January 2013. His focus is on quantitative and cryptographic techniques for establishing provable security in big data and software. More
Division Chief: NORTHCOM, SPACECOM and STRATCOM Applications, Adaptive Execution Office
CDR Richard Isaak is a division chief in the Adaptive Execution Office. He is the principal lead for transitioning technology to U.S Northern Command, U.S. Space Command and U.S. Strategic Command, with a focus on air dominance, Navy special programs and Naval air combat applications. CDR Isaak is also responsible for DARPA’s Service Chief Fellows Program. More
Stephen Jameson
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Mr. Steve Jameson joined DARPA in August 2014. His current research focuses on technologies to enable situation understanding, improve effectiveness and timeliness of decision-making, and build trust between humans and autonomous reasoning systems. Specific interests include knowledge representation, techniques for causal modeling, reasoning, and inference, as well as technologies to support mixed initiative reasoning, with a focus on enabling non-expert users to effectively interact with automated reasoning systems. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Lt. Col. Jimmy “Reverend” Jones joined DARPA in October 2016 as a program manager in the Strategic Technology Office. Prior to his arrival, he was the chief of the Advanced Countermeasures Branch in Air Force Special Programs at the Pentagon. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Mr. John Kamp joined DARPA as a program manager in 2011. His interests center on innovative approaches to transition DARPA technologies to the acquisition and user communities, programmatic best practices, transition strategies and plans, and program execution. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Karr joined DARPA as a Program Manager in June 2012. His areas of interest include ISR and EW technologies and systems, optical LPD/LPI sensing and communication, new weapon technologies and effects, weapon and ISR countermeasures and counter-countermeasures, space control, and the integration of space with tactical systems. More
Angelos Keromytis
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Angelos Keromytis joined DARPA in July 2014. His research interests include computer systems, network security and cryptography. More
Special Assistant to the DARPA Director / Air Force Operational Liaison, Director's Office
Col. Kloos joined DARPA in 2015 as the U.S. Air Force operational liaison and special assistant to the director. He is a command pilot with more than 2,100 hours, primarily in the F-16 Fighting Falcon and F-35A Lightning II, including 240 combat hours. He has served as an instructor pilot, standardization/evaluation flight examiner, weapons officer, functional check flight pilot and operational test pilot, and served in Operations Southern Watch, Northern Watch, Allied Force and Enduring Freedom. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Jeffrey Krolik joined DARPA in December 2014 as a Program Manager in the Strategic Technology Office. His interests include physics-based signal and sensor array processing with applications to radio frequency (RF) and acoustic surveillance systems. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Prem Kumar joined DSO as a program manager in 2013. He is currently a Program Manager in the Defense Sciences Office at DARPA where he is overseeing programs in the physical sciences area. He is interested in pushing the scientific and technological boundaries in domains where the basic sciences of physics, chemistry, and biology intersect with engineering, signal processing, and computation. More
Assistant Director, Program Management, Biological Technologies Office
Mr. Jason Lamp is the Assistant Director, Program Management in the Biological Technologies Office. More
Program Support Assistant, Microsystems Technology Office
Mr. Steven Larsen is a Program Support Assistant in the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO). More
Dr. John Launchbury
Office Director, Information Innovation Office
Dr. John Launchbury joined DARPA as a Program Manager in July 2014 and was named Director of the Information Innovation Office (I2O) in September 2015. In this role he develops Office strategy, staffs the Office, and works with I2O program managers to develop new programs and transition program products. Dr. Launchbury has been instrumental in formulating and implementing I2O research thrusts in programming languages, security, privacy and cryptography. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Craig Lawrence joined DARPA in 2013 as a Program Manager for the Strategic Technology Office (STO). Dr. Lawrence’s interests are in battle management, command and control (BMC2); autonomy, optimization and control theory; and modeling and simulation. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Jean-Charles Ledé joined DARPA in July 2013 as a Program Manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His interests include autonomous/unmanned air vehicle systems, cooperative systems, counter UAS and counter-swarms, and operations in contested and denied environments. More
| Air |
Jay Lewis
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Jay Lewis joined DARPA in November as a program manager in the Microsystems Technologies Office. His interests include materials, devices, and systems that enable advanced electro-optic detection, sensing and imaging. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Littlefield joined DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office as a Program Manager in October 2011 and specializes in advanced craft and unmanned vehicles in the maritime domain. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Lt Col John Losinski joined DARPA as a Program Manager in May of 2011. He focuses on space system program management and technology development. Other areas of technical interest and expertise include spacecraft subsystems, electro-optical surveillance and optical sensors. More
| Space |
Robert Lutwak
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Robert Lutwak joined the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO) in September 2013 as a Program Manager for the miniature position, navigation, and timing (PNT) technology portfolio. His primary field of interest is the development of compact low-cost components and systems providing “PNT everywhere” for increased battlefield awareness and cooperative engagement. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. John Main has spent his career developing new technologies and businesses. He is currently a Program Manager in the Defense Sciences Office at DARPA where he is responsible for initiating new DARPA programs in the physical sciences and fostering the R&D communities that will support those programs. This is Dr. Main’s second tour as a DARPA Program Manager. His first tour at DARPA began in 2002 and resulted in programs in a broad range of technical areas including biologically inspired materials, fast and efficient human-powered swimming, rapid rooftop access, small-scale power generation, GPS-denied underwater navigation, and human exoskeletons for increased warfighter endurance. More
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Joseph Mangano serves as the program manager of the Excalibur program and oversees efforts designed to significantly enhance the mission set of airborne platforms through coherent optical phased array (OPA) technology. Fiber-based OPAs have near-term potential to achieve greater than 40% overall efficiency in a package compact enough for deployment on tactical airborne platforms. Successful integration of these systems would enable new and enhanced capabilities including laser radar (otherwise known as lidar), target designation, laser communications, power beaming, and aircraft self-protection. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Todd Master joined DARPA in April 2016 as a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His interests include space launch, space domain awareness, space traffic management, advanced on-orbit operations including robotic servicing, and space policy associated with all of the above. More
| Space |
Assistant Director, Program Management, Strategic Technology Office
Ms. Lisa A. Mattocks is the Assistant Director, Program Management (ADPM) for the Strategic Technology Office. She was previously a Program Analyst in the Biological Technologies Office. More
Program Analyst, Defense Sciences Office
Ms. Karen McMullen has been with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency since 1987. She has served as a Program/Financial Analyst for a variety of major DARPA Technical Offices, including: Advanced Systems, Tactical Technology, Information Awareness, Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems, Special Projects and Strategic Technology. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. D. Tyler McQuade joined DARPA as a program manager in the Defense Sciences Office in 2013. In his current DARPA role as a Program Manager he is overseeing programs in the physical sciences area. Current programs tend to be process oriented and range from surface coatings to small molecule synthesis. More
Deputy Director, Tactical Technology Office
Ms. Pamela Melroy joined DARPA in January 2013 after serving as the acting Deputy Associate Administrator and Director of Field Operations in the Federal Aviation Administration's Office of Commercial Space Transportation. As acting Deputy Associate Administrator, she was responsible for developing human commercial spaceflight safety guidelines and oversaw interagency policy coordination with the White House, NASA, and the Department of Defense on space policy. As Director of Field Operations, she was responsible for overseeing and growing activities from three to six field offices supporting operational safety oversight, licensing and inspection of commercial space activities. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Lindsay Millard joined DARPA in July 2014. Her focus areas include space-based imagers, sensor data processing, and increasing the resilience of the U.S. space architecture through disruptive technology. Areas of technical interest and expertise include hyperspectral imaging, sparse-aperture telescopes, computer vision, image processing and low-cost optical materials. More
| Space |
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Predrag Milojkovic joined DARPA as a program manager in November 2014.  His current interests include advanced imaging concepts and devices, computational imaging, novel optical materials, imaging through scattering media and non-line-of-sight imaging. More
Mr. John Murphy
Division Chief: U.S. Navy, PACOM and SOUTHCOM Applications, Adaptive Execution Office
Mr. John Murphy is a division chief in the Adaptive Execution Office. He is the principal lead for transitioning technology to the U.S. Navy, U.S. Pacific Command, U.S. Southern Command, and select interagency partners. He also coordinates the Agency-wide effort to track the transition of DARPA technology. More
Dr. Sandeep Neema
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Sandeep Neema joined DARPA in July 2016. His research interests include cyber physical systems, model-based design methodologies, distributed real-time systems, and mobile software technologies. More
Troy Olsson
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Roy (Troy) Olsson III joined DARPA as a program manager in June 2014. His research interests include materials, devices, and architectures that enable low-power processing of wireless and sensor signals, vanishing materials, electronics and structures, and phased array antennas. More
Boyan Onyshkevych
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Boyan Onyshkevych joined I2O as a program manager in 2013. His research interests include human language technologies and knowledge-based systems applied to the areas of information extraction, language understanding and semantic computing. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Maj. Christopher Orlowski joined DARPA in March 2014 after serving at the Robotic Systems Joint Project Office as the assistant product manager of the Appliqué and Large Unmanned Ground Systems Product Office and then as assistant product manager of the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Product Office. His specific interests include manned and unmanned teaming in complex environments, biomimetic unmanned systems and technologies to improve the performance and capability of dismounted ground forces. More
| Ground |
Acting Deputy Director, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Barry Pallotta was named Acting Deputy Director of BTO in May 2016, after serving as Acting Director since December 2015. He joined DARPA as a program manager in 2011. His interests focus on complex biological systems and their application to scientific discovery and the development of medical countermeasures to biological threats. More
Dev Palmer
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Dev Palmer is a program manager in the Microsystems Technology Office where he manages a portfolio of research on sub-millimeter-wave and terahertz electronic sources, sensors and control components, vacuum electronics, antennas, and computational modeling of electromagnetics and electronics. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Jeremy Palmer joined DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office as a program manager (PM) in May 2015. His interest is focused on space systems engineering, including structural and dynamic elements, and additive manufacturing technology. More
| Space |
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. John S. Paschkewitz joined DARPA as a program manager in April 2015. He is interested in new paradigms and approaches for the interactive design of complex physical systems and system-of-systems (SoS) architectures. More
Dr. Daniel Patt
Deputy Director, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Daniel Patt is the deputy director of DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office (STO). The STO portfolio is enabling robust distributed systems architectures through programs in battle management, command and control; communications and networking; intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance; and electronic warfare. More
Jonathan Pfautz
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Jonathan Pfautz joined DARPA as a program manager in June 2015. His principal research interests lie at the intersection of the computational and behavioral/social sciences. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Wayne Phoel joined DARPA in 2013 as a Program Manager for the Strategic Technology Office. His primary interest is in resilient networks with a focus on protection for wireless systems. More
Brian Pierce
Deputy Director, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Brian Pierce is the Deputy Director of DARPA’s Information Innovation Office (I2O). This is Dr. Pierce’s second tour at the agency, having served as the deputy office director of the Strategic Technology Office from 2005 to 2010. More
Dr. Ken Plaks
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Ken Plaks joined DARPA in January 2015 as a program manager. His research interests include stealth aircraft, electronic warfare, weapons research and cybersecurity. More
| Cyber | EW | Materials |
Program Analyst, Tactical Technology Office
Ms. Miriam Prantner is the Program Analyst for the Tactical Technology Office (TTO). More
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Mr. Frank Pound joined DARPA as a program manager in January 2014. He is principally interested in cyber operations and providing a useful interface to the “living Internet of things” such that it can be more easily measured and understood. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Lt Col Jeremy Raley joined DARPA in June 2016 as a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His interests include offensive and defensive space control, remote sensing, assured availability of space assets, and command and control of the U.S. space enterprise. More
Division Chief: U.S. Air Force, AFRICOM and EUCOM Applications, Adaptive Execution Office
Mr. Scott Reed is a division chief in the Adaptive Execution Office. He is the principal lead for transitioning technology to the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. European Command, with an additional focus on U.S Air Force Special Program applications. More
Deputy Director, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. William Regli joined DARPA as the Deputy Director of the Defense Sciences Office in September 2014. Dr. Regli is a computer scientist with a passion for addressing interdisciplinary and use-inspired problems using knowledge representation, physics-based modeling and other computational techniques. His most recent activities have focused on deploying cyber-infrastructure systems to capture and curate engineering and science data, and ensure the long-term sustainability of data. More
Dr. Raymond Richards
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Raymond “Ray” Richards joined DARPA in January 2016. His research interests focus on high assurance software and systems. More
| Cyber | Formal | Trust |
Program Analyst, Information Innovation Office
Mr. Mark C. Rife is a Program Analyst in the Information Innovation Office. More
Dr. Jennifer Roberts
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Jennifer Roberts joined DARPA as a program manager in 2015. Her principal research interests include scalable analytics and machine learning algorithms that yield insights to human users. Applications of interest include cyber, genetics and human cognition. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Gordon Roesler joined DARPA in May 2014 after working as a Senior Project Engineer at the Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research at the University of New South Wales. His past research interests have included space systems, robotic naval vehicles, sensor systems, and energy systems. At DARPA, he is primarily interested in developing a capability for robotic servicing of satellites. More
| Space |
Dr. Tom Rondeau
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Tom Rondeau joined DARPA as a program manager in the Microsystems Technology Office in May 2016. His research interests include adaptive and reconfigurable radios, improving the development cycle for new signal-processing techniques, and creating general purpose electromagnetic systems. More
Division Chief: U.S. Army, SOCOM, and CENTCOM Applications, Adaptive Execution Office
Mr. Bryan Rudacille is the division chief in the Adaptive Execution Office. He is the principal lead for transitioning technology to the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), as well as the U.S. Army and select interagency partners. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Adam H. Russell joined DARPA as a program manager in July 2015. He is interested in new experimental platforms and tools to facilitate discovery, quantification, and "big validation" of fundamental measures in social science, behavioral science, and human performance. More
Dr. Linton Salmon
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Linton Salmon joined DARPA as a program manager in September 2014. His research interests include semiconductor process and design technology and its application to defense systems. More
Office Director, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Justin Sanchez was named Director of BTO in May 2016, after serving as Acting Deputy Director of BTO since December 2015. More
Chief of Staff, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Director's Office
Dr. Ralph Sandfry provides strategic and management support to the DARPA Director and Deputy Director. He assesses the technical merits and risks of proposed and current projects and provides advice on technology strategies. He also guides, supervises and coordinates the Agency’s planning and operations. More
Carey Schwartz
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Carey Schwartz joined DARPA as a program manager in February 2015. His principal research interests include analytic methods for distinguishing causality from correlation, data to decisions and quantum information sciences. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. David Shaver is a Program Manager in the Strategic Technology Office. Prior to that he served as Chief Scientist for the Air Dominance Initiative, deputy director of the Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), and as a program manager in MTO. More
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Mr. Wade Shen joined DARPA in 2014 as a program manager. His research interests include machine learning, machine translation, speech recognition and data analytics for improved human/computer interaction. More
| AI | Data | Language |
Dr. Hava Siegelmann
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Dr. Hava Siegelmann joined DARPA in July 2016 with the goal of developing programs that advance intelligence in computerized devices, focusing on life-long learning, context-aware adaptivity, and user-centered applications. More
Assistant Director, Program Management, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Jeffrey Smith is the Assistant Director, Program Management for the Tactical Technology Office (TTO). More
Assistant Director, Program Management, Microsystems Technology Office
Mrs. Wendy Smith joined the DARPA Microsystems Technology Office as the Assistant Director, Program Management (ADPM) in August 2015. More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Jess Sponable rejoined DARPA in December 2012 as a Program Manager in the Tactical Technology Office. Mr. Sponable’s focus areas are technologies supporting access to and through space. Other areas of interest and expertise include unmanned air vehicles, energy generation and storage, hypersonics, and advanced physics concepts. More
| Space |
Program Security Officer, Defense Sciences Office
Mr. David Stiffler is the Program Security Officer in the Defense Sciences Office. More
Program Manager, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Elizabeth Strychalski joined DARPA in 2015 as a Program Manager in the Biological Technologies Office. She is interested in applying insights and methods from physics, control theory, and mathematics to understand complex biological systems and transform environments. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Mr. Shelby Sullivan is a Program Manager in the Strategic Technology Office. Prior to arriving at DARPA, Mr. Sullivan was a Senior Principal II Systems Engineer at BAE Systems, Electronic Systems, Technology Solutions division located in Nashua, New Hampshire. He received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from University of California, San Diego. More
Program Manager, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Vincent Tang joined DARPA as a program manager in the Defense Sciences Office in 2013. His interests involve the development of new technologies for countering nuclear terrorism and other national security applications. More
Assistant Director, Program Management, Information Innovation Office
Ms. Tanner is the Assistant Director, Program Management for the Information Innovation Office (I2O). More
Paul Tilghman
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Mr. Paul Tilghman joined DARPA in December 2014 as a program manager in the Microsystems Technology Office. His research interests include intelligent and adaptive RF systems, digital signal processing, machine learning, wireless communications and electronic warfare. More
| ISR | Spectrum |
Office Director, Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Stefanie Tompkins is the Director of the Defense Sciences Office (DSO). DSO explores the constantly changing research landscape across the nation and the world to identify and accelerate potentially game-changing technologies for national security. More
Office Director, Tactical Technology Office
Dr. Bradford Tousley joined DARPA in January 2013 as the director of the Tactical Technology Office (TTO). TTO transforms the future of warfighting by pursuing high-risk, high payoff tactical technology and development of rapid, mobile and responsive combat capability for advanced weapons, platforms and space systems. More
Mr. Trung Tran
Program Manager, Microsystems Technology Office
Mr. Trung Tran joined DARPA as a program manager in the Microsystems Technology Office in October 2015. Tran earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the US Air Force Academy and a Master of Business Administration degree from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. While in the Air Force, he was stationed at Fort Meade and Hanscom Air Force Base working at the Air Intelligence Agency. In those roles, he developed cryptographic chips and command and control networks, which focused on reducing the amount of time between the acquisition of sensor data and the use of that data by shooters or, more generally, weapons systems. He received four medals in recognition of his work in these areas. More
Special Assistant to the DARPA Director / Marine Corps Operational Liaison, Director's Office
Lt. Col. Tyson enlisted in the Marine Corps reserves in 1991 as a field artilleryman while completing his undergraduate degree in International Relations at The Pennsylvania State University. He was commissioned in 1995 and designated a naval aviator in 1997. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Vincent J. Urick joined DARPA in May 2016 as a program manager in the Strategic Technology Office. His research interests include photonics for electronic warfare applications, innovative concepts for optical signal processing, and electronic signal generation via optical domain techniques. More
| EW | Photonics |
Program Manager , Defense Sciences Office
Dr. Jan Vandenbrande joined DARPA as a program manager in July 2015. He is interested in developing math and computational tools to radically improve the design of mechanical products. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Kurt Vogel joined DARPA as a program manager for the Strategic Technology Office in August 2015. His areas of interest include air systems, electronic warfare, stealth, space systems and counter-space. More
| Air | EW | Space |
Dr. Stuart Wagner
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Dr. Stuart Wagner joined DARPA in September 2014. His research interests include networking, cyber security and computer network operations. More
Michael Walker
Program Manager, Information Innovation Office
Mike Walker joined DARPA as a program manager in January 2013. His research interests include machine reasoning about software in situ and the automation of application security lifecycles. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
In January of 2011 Mr. H. Bruce Wallace became a program manager in the Strategic Technology Office where he is responsible for programs investing in technologies for Multifunction Millimeter wave systems. Upon retiring after 33 years’ service in the Government at the Army Research Laboratory as Chief of the RF & Electronics Division, he formed his own consulting firm, MMW Concepts LLC, which consulted on millimeter and submillimeter-wave technology for the government, industry, and academia. More
Director, Adaptive Execution Office
Mr. Dale Waters is the director of the Adaptive Execution Office. He is responsible for improving the transition worthiness of DARPA programs by establishing and executing a framework for transition that can be applied across DARPA. He leads AEO in providing a corporate resource to assist DARPA program managers throughout their tenure. This assistance takes the form of introductions to war fighters, new concept development and refinement, transition planning, end-user demonstrations and field trials, and operational evaluations. He also plays a leading role in transitioning technology to the U.S. Air Force and assisting with end-user quick response requirements. More
Program Manager, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Doug Weber joined DARPA as a Program Manager in 2013. More
Program Manager, Biological Technologies Office
Dr. Renee Wegrzyn joined DARPA as a Program Manager in 2016. She is interested in applying the tools of synthetic biology to support biosecurity and outpace infectious disease. More
Program Analyst, Strategic Technology Office
Scott Wenzel is a Program Analyst in the Strategic Technology Office (STO). More
Program Manager, Tactical Technology Office
Mr. Scott Wierzbanowski joined DARPA in November 2016 as a program manager in the Tactical Technology Office. His interests include technology development and demonstration for aircraft and weapons with a focus on autonomous and semi-autonomous air systems, manned/unmanned teaming, and reusable space launch. More
| Air |
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Ted K. Woodwardjoined DARPA in January 2015 as program manager in the Strategic Technology Office. Dr. Woodward has a background in optical and radio frequency (RF) devices, systems and networks for diverse applications. His research interests generally concern the use of optical and RF technology for sensing and communications, and include high-capacity networked systems in particular. Relevant technologies include photonics, millimeter wave RF, distributed coherent signaling (e.g., multiple-input and multiple-output,MIMO), signal processing methods and host platforms, and networking. More
Security, Information Innovation Office
Mr. Greg Woosley is the Program Security Officer for the Information Innovation Office (I2O). He is responsible for ensuring that all I2O information, data and materials requiring safeguarding in the interest of national security are protected as prescribed. His duties include the establishment and maintenance of controls and infrastructure to ensure conformance with all laws and U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of National Intelligence (DNI) issuances. More
Program Manager, Strategic Technology Office
Dr. Lisa Zurk joined DARPA in August 2016 as a program manager in the Strategic Technology Office. Her area of interest is physics-based processing techniques applied to advanced sensor system concepts, particularly for underwater acoustics and electromagnetic sensing. More