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How to Series (15)

How to Series
Collection Created:
July 26, 2013
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  • Protect Your Business from All Natural Hazards

    Protecting your business from disasters caused by natural hazards can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining your buildings to installing protective devices. Most of these actions, especially those that affect the structure of your buildings or their utility systems, should be carried out by qualified maintenance staff or professional contractors licensed to work in your state, county, or city. One example of disaster protection is safely storing the important documents, electronic files, raw materials, and inventory required for the operation of your business.
  • Protect Your Property from an Earthquake

    Protecting your property from earthquakes can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining your building to installing protective devices. Most of these actions, especially those that affect the structure of your building or its utility systems, should be carried out by qualified maintenance staff or professional contractors licensed to work in your state, county, or city. One example of earthquake protection is properly anchoring heavy equipment.
  • Protect Your Property from Fire

    Wildfire protection can involve a variety of changes to your house and property -- changes that can vary in complexity and cost. You may be able to make some types of changes yourself. But complicated or large-scale changes and those that affect the structure of your house or its electrical wiring and plumbing should be carried out only by a professional contractor licensed to work in your state, county, or city. One example of wildfire protection is removing vegetation, yard debris, and other combustible materials that may be near your house. This is something that many homeowners can probably do on their own.
  • Protect Your Property from Flooding

    Protecting your property from flooding can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining the building to installing protective devices. Most of these actions, especially those that affect the structure of your building or their utility systems, should be carried out by qualified maintenance staff or professional contractors licensed to work in your state, county, or city. One example of flood protection is using flood-resistant construction materials.
  • Protect Your Property from High Winds

    Protecting your property from high winds can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining your building to installing protective devices. Most of these actions, especially those that affect the exterior shell of your building, should be carried out by qualified maintenance staff or professional contractors licensed to work in your state, county, or city. For buildings with Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS) walls, a type of wall often used for commercial buildings, one example of wind protection is inspecting and maintaining the walls.
  • Disaster Assistance Flyer in Vetnamese

    Disaster Assistance Flyer in Vetnamese

  • How to Apply Flyer in Arabic

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.

  • How to Apply Flyer in Chinese

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.

  • How to Apply Flyer in French

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.

  • How to Apply Flyer in German

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.

  • How to Apply Flyer in Greek

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.

  • How to Apply Flyer in Haitian (Creole)

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.

  • How to Apply Flyer in Hindi

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.
  • How to Apply Flyer in Japanese

    This flyer provides information about how to apply for disaster assistance.

  • Writing Tips for Preparing Environmental Assessments - Region 6 - EHP

    An outline for how to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) for FEMA-funded grant projects, including specifications for the public comment period.