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Monday, April 6, 2009

Secretary Discusses Southwest Border Security Efforts

Secretary Napolitano, flanked by Congressman Henry Cuellar, discusses southwest border security efforts

Secretary Napolitano at meeting on southwest border security efforts

April 3, 2009 (Laredo, Texas) - Secretary Napolitano, flanked by Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar, discusses Southwest Border security efforts at a press conference detailing the deployment of a variety of Department personnel and technology to the Southwest border in response to escalated violence in Mexico.

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  • Described as the Leadership Journal and often substantive under the former Secretary I am curious as to why yours is now filled mainly with pictures of yourself? You should note that I am a fuzzy headed liberal and a graduate of your law school but much earlier and therefore glad President Obama won and glad you were nominated and confirmed. But let's get to substantance! What keeps you awake at night about what you found at DHS? What are you hopes and strategies? Did you find stovepipes in programs, functions, and activities that can only really be seen by those with a comprehensive view of the department such as yourself? Your new deputy is supposed to be one of the countries formost logisticians. Will you ask or have you asked already for a survey of all logistics systems and processes in your department and given Ms. Lute's rep perhaps you could delegate to her all key decisions on logisitics. My experience is one really expert person can make a huge difference in a world of generalists. And I view perhaps incorrectly in your case as all lawyers (of which I am one) as generalists. It is both the genius and the failure of the profession. Good luck I am on your side but don't waste what is now your leadership journal. The first secretary loved to travel (in particular with his six secret service agencies (and boy does Treasury miss the Secret Service)but he also failed as a manager, at policy development and analysis, and at the politics of Washington. But hey he was a heck of a Governor.

    By Anonymous William R. Cumming, At April 6, 2009 3:40 PM  

  • Unless you are also continuing interior worksite enforcement raids, as well as at the border, you are only doing HALF the job we need.

    I expect my government to continue the raids because they work and have had positive results opening up jobs for American citizens and other legitimate workers. We need this enforcement!

    We, the American public, have been adament about immigration enforcement for the past several years and have doubts you are serious about the security of our country or its sovereignty. Please show us that you are! There is no legitimate reason for you to stop aggressively enforcing ALL of our immigration laws! PICK UP THE PACE!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At April 6, 2009 7:14 PM  

  • I live at the southwest border, and I want to see much more enforcement here! Much more! I would love to see the National Guard brought back all along the border.
    But I also want alot more of the interior worksite enforcement raids. I have been laid-off and I know there are illegal aliens working at jobs I am well suited for. I should be able to have those jobs long before any illegal alien......I am a U.S. Citizen!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At April 8, 2009 6:13 PM  

  • I live in North East Arizona in Mojave County; in a small town of mostly retiree's. There are about one half of our citizen's living here year round. This leaves about 200 resident homes unoccupied for most the year. We have criminals breaking into the empty homes, usually taking what they can fence to the drug dealers in the area as well as Kingman. But what bothers me most is, occassionally they break in and live in the empty houses. They lay low and when the owners come in the front door, they leave by the back. Sometimes they are illegal aliens out of Mexico. They never get caught as the Sheriff is 64 miles away. We have 2 deputy's here in town, but they are always patroling elsewhere in the county.
    I guess what I'm writing for is to say I want the Arizona/Mexico border fence to be completed and with the large amount of unemployed citizen's in the state, we need you to hire and train them to keep these illegal's from climbing or tunneling into the country. Please!

    Also; Sheriff Joe Arpio is doing an outstanding job working with ICE, please leave him alone to do his job! Better yet...put him in charge of the whole state of Arizona's sheriffs and give him the tools to operate. The whole state loves him, unless they are of Hispanic dessent.
    I agree with the last commenter, I'd like to see the National Guard or military patroling the border also. I sure would sleep better if you would get with this issue and get it done! Thank you for reading this, I'm in hopes that Janet Napolitano doesn't forget where she came from.
    [comment from another concerned citizen: Unless you are also continuing interior worksite enforcement raids, as well as at the border, you are only doing HALF the job we need.

    I expect my government to continue the raids because they work and have had positive results opening up jobs for American citizens and other legitimate workers. We need this enforcement!]
    Please pass this on to Janet.

    By Blogger Lakotalady, At April 15, 2009 8:29 AM  

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