J-7 Medical Plans and Policy

Phone: (847) 688-3680 ext. 7123 or 7149
DSN: 792-3680 ext. 7123 or 7149
Fax: (847) 688-2543


The Clinical Operations Division develops operational plans, policies, and procedures relating to the MEPS medical processing. The division provides a liaison function with service medical waiver review authorities, provides professional guidance and training to MEPS medical staff personnel, evaluates Chief Medical Officer (CMO) performance, reviews CMO and Fee Basis Provider (FBP) credentials and certifications, participates in various medical research and development projects, conducts trend analysis to identify areas for improvement, and is the Command Surgeon’s representative for medical logistics and the Clinical Laboratory Inspection program.

The division is responsible for the daily MEPS medical mission by providing technical medical and professional guidance and training MEPS medical staff personnel through training tools and on-site visits. The Division develops policy, procedures, and implementation plans for the medical examination screening program. The Division supports research and transformation projects providing medical expertise for pending initiatives. The Division Physicians evaluate CMO performance and are members of the USMEPCOM Credentials Committee.