Albany, NY
Military Entrance Processing Station


Major Allen C. Deleon
United States Marine Corps

Senior Enlisted Advisor:
First Sergeant Clara W. Walters
United States Army

Leo W. O'Brien Federal Building
N. Pearl St & Clinton Avenue
Albany, NY 12207

Phone: (518) 649-9888
Fax: (518) 320-9869 


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Prior to the construction of the Leo W. O’Brien Federal Building on the corner of Clinton Avenue and North Pearl Street in downtown Albany in 1974, the Albany MEPS was located in the old Post Office building on Broadway with the Selective Service headquarters.

The old Post Office building housed the Albany Armed Forces Entrance Examination Station (AFEES) for many years, before it was acquired by the State University of New York.

The Albany MEPS has occupied the second floor of the Federal Building continuously for 34 years. A major renovation, planned for several years, was completed in 1997. The current facility is comprised of the Federal building’s entire second floor and a portion of the third floor.

The Albany MEPS is one of a network of 65 MEPS located nationwide and in Puerto Rico.

A separate Department of Defense (DoD) agency, USMEPCOM is comprised of two geographical sectors and staffed with personnel from all military services.

The mission of USMEPCOM and the Albany MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services, based on DoD-approved peacetime and mobilization standards.

Three primary areas are considered in determining an applicant's qualifications for enlistment:

  • aptitude for military service
  • physical qualification
  • background evaluation screening