Little Rock, AR
Military Entrance Processing Station


Major Mark B. Howell
United States Army

Senior Enlisted Advisor:
Senior Chief Petty Officer Richard A. Jackson
United States Navy

1520 Riverfront Drive
Little Rock, AR 72202-1724

Phone: (501) 666-6377
Fax: (501) 663-5863


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The initial order forming the Armed Forces Examining and Entrance Stations was issued on September 17, 1943, and the first Little Rock Station was located at 3rd and Main Streets on the second floor of the American-German Bank Building, commonly known then as the USO Building. On March 1, 1965, the station moved to the Old Post Office Building at 2d and Center Streets, where it occupied the second and third floors for nearly eleven years. In 1976, the station moved to the second floor of the KARK Channel 4 Television Station Building on 3rd Street, between Louisiana and Center Streets. The Little Rock MEPS relocated in April 1991 to 100 Main Street, a former Trailways Bus Terminal. On July 15, 2002, the Little Rock MEPS relocated to it's current location of 1520 Riverfront Drive. Today, the Little Rock MEPS continues its proud tradition of excellence and quality customer service by living up to its motto: "Partnership and Pride: Working Together For You."

The Little Rock MEPS is one of a network of 65 MEPS located nationwide and in Puerto Rico.

A separate Department of Defense (DoD) agency, USMEPCOM is comprised of two geographical sectors and staffed with personnel from all military services.

The mission of USMEPCOM and the Little Rock MEPS is to process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed services, based on DoD-approved peacetime and mobilization standards.

Three primary areas are considered in determining an applicant's qualifications for enlistment:

  • aptitude for military service
  • physical qualification
  • background evaluation screening