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Collection: Hurricane Isaac

Videos showing the emergency management team's role in the preparation, response, and recovery related to Hurricane Isaac.
Collection Created:
September 20, 2013
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  • FEMA Mitigation team set up a booth inside the Home Depot store in St. John Parish to assist residents who were affected by Hurricane Isaac.

    Mitigation Outreach

    Video by Emily Ream
    FEMA Mitigation team set up a booth inside the Home Depot store in St. John Parish to assist residents who were affected by Hurricane Isaac.
  • FEMA community relations teams in St. John Parish, Louisiana visit damaged homes from Hurricane Isaac.

    Community Relations Teams in St. John Parish

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    FEMA community relations teams in St. John Parish, Louisiana visit damaged homes from Hurricane Isaac.
  • Convoys head across the Mississippi river to Plaquemines Parish to allow residents to survey damages after Hurricane Isaac.

    Plaquemines Parish Convoy

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    Convoys head across the Mississippi river to Plaquemines Parish to allow residents to survey damages after Hurricane Isaac.
  • U.S. Public Health Services provides medical care to Hurricane Isaac survivors displaced by the storm.
The staff of 61 people housed at the New Orleans Convention Center has been able to serve more than 100 people with medical needs.

    U.S. Public Health Services after Hurricane Isaac

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    U.S. Public Health Services provides medical care to Hurricane Isaac survivors displaced by the storm. The staff of 61 people housed at the New Orleans Convention Center has been able to serve more than 100 people with medical needs.
  • Volunteer group, Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief, watches children at Disaster Recovery Centers while their parents receive information about FEMA or other disaster assistance programs.

    DRC Child Care

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    Volunteer group, Southern Baptist Convention Disaster Relief, watches children at Disaster Recovery Centers while their parents receive information about FEMA or other disaster assistance programs.
  • The American Red Cross set up 41 Shelters in Louisiana to serve disaster survivors after Hurricane Isaac with meals, medical needs and transportation.

    Red Cross Shelter in LaPlace

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    The American Red Cross set up 41 Shelters in Louisiana to serve disaster survivors after Hurricane Isaac with meals, medical needs and transportation.
  • In Old Mandeville Historic District, LA business owners are starting to rebuild and move forward after Hurricane Isaac.
The Lake House Restaurant begins restoration after five and a half feet of water engulfs the area and hopes to open by October 1st.

    Businesses in Mandeville

    Video by Emily Ream
    In Old Mandeville Historic District, LA business owners are starting to rebuild and move forward after Hurricane Isaac. The Lake House Restaurant begins restoration after five and a half feet of water engulfs the area and hopes to open by October 1st.
  • This business in Pierre Part, LA prevented losses from potential storm damages and was able to open its doors to serve the community a few hours after Hurricane Isaac made landfall.

    Louisiana Business Prevents Losses from Isaac

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    This business in Pierre Part, LA prevented losses from potential storm damages and was able to open its doors to serve the community a few hours after Hurricane Isaac made landfall.
  • United Methodist Church volunteers help disaster survivors by handing out flood buckets and health kits. They are one of many non-profit organizations helping survivors of Hurricane Isaac.

    Buckets of Cleaning Supplies

    Video by Emily Ream
    United Methodist Church volunteers help disaster survivors by handing out flood buckets and health kits. They are one of many non-profit organizations helping survivors of Hurricane Isaac.
  • Discussion about efficiently moving commodities after Hurricane Isaac.

    Moving commodities efficiently after Isaac

    Video by Emily Ream
    Discussion about efficiently moving commodities after Hurricane Isaac.
  • Communication devices are available at Disaster Recovery Centers to assist survivors who may have access and functional needs.

    Communication Devices

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    Communication devices are available at Disaster Recovery Centers to assist survivors who may have access and functional needs.
  • The state of Louisiana conducts applicants briefings in Tangipahoa Parish to review the Public Assistance Programs with municipal and parish officials after damages caused by Hurricane Isaac.

    Hurricane Isaac Applicant Briefing

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    The state of Louisiana conducts applicants briefings in Tangipahoa Parish to review the Public Assistance Programs with municipal and parish officials after damages caused by Hurricane Isaac.
  • Community Relations team revisits Barataria, Louisiana to follow up with survivors and answer questions about the recovery process.

    Community Relations Follow up

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    Community Relations team revisits Barataria, Louisiana to follow up with survivors and answer questions about the recovery process.
  • AmeriCorps helps disaster survivors after Hurricane Isaac by gutting homes and clearing debris.

    AmeriCorps work in the field

    Video by Daniel Llargues
    AmeriCorps helps disaster survivors after Hurricane Isaac by gutting homes and clearing debris.
  • FEMA conducts kick off meetings with support from GOHSEP to ensure applicants have the proper information to begin recovery work.

    Public Assistance Kick Off Meeting

    Video by Emily Ream
    FEMA conducts kick off meetings with support from GOHSEP to ensure applicants have the proper information to begin recovery work.
  • FEMA Corps teams arrived at the Joint Field Office in Louisiana to get briefed on Hurricane Isaac operations by each programs area.

    FEMA Corps Welcome Ceremony

    Video by Emily Ream
    FEMA Corps teams arrived at the Joint Field Office in Louisiana to get briefed on Hurricane Isaac operations by each programs area.
  • FEMA Corps arrived in Baton Rouge to begin their work to assist disaster survivors after Hurricane Isaac.

Nine teams will be working at five locations throughout the state of Louisiana to support FEMA operations.

    FEMA Corps Arrival

    Video by Emily Ream
    FEMA Corps arrived in Baton Rouge to begin their work to assist disaster survivors after Hurricane Isaac. Nine teams will be working at five locations throughout the state of Louisiana to support FEMA operations.
  • FEMA Corps began their work in the field with Community Relations Teams visiting communities affected by Hurricane Isaac.

    FEMA Corps Community Relations Team

    Video by Emily Ream
    FEMA Corps began their work in the field with Community Relations Teams visiting communities affected by Hurricane Isaac.
  • Large animal evacuations takes extra time and consideration. In this short piece, Dr. Brigid Elchols DVM and horse facility owner Rod Crumbley give some insights to the process.

    Take the Reins: Prepare Early

    Video by Michael Moore
    Large animal evacuations takes extra time and consideration. In this short piece, Dr. Brigid Elchols DVM and horse facility owner Rod Crumbley give some insights to the process.
  • FEMA Public Assistance and FEMA Corps Teams work together in the field surveying private properties for debris removal after Hurricane Isaac impacted the coast of Louisiana.

    FEMA Corps Private Property Debris Removal

    Video by Emily Ream
    FEMA Public Assistance and FEMA Corps Teams work together in the field surveying private properties for debris removal after Hurricane Isaac impacted the coast of Louisiana.