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FEMA L-781, Building Science for Disaster-Resistant Communities: Hurricane Hazard Publications (2011)

Cover photo for the document: FEMA L-781, Building Science for Disaster-Resistant Communities: Hurricane Hazard Publications (2011)

This brochure provides readers with a quick summary of publications that will help them prepare for and mitigate against hurricane hazards. The Building Science Branch develops and produces technical guidance and tools focused on fostering a disaster-resistant built environment. Located within FEMA’s Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration’s (FIMA’s) Risk Reduction Division, the Building Science Branch supports the directorate’s mission to reduce risk to life and property by providing state-of-the-art technical hazard mitigation solutions for buildings.

SizePublication Date
Icon for file of type application/pdfBuilding Science for Disaster-Resistant Communities: Hurricane Hazard Publications
6.66MNovember 1, 2011
Icon for file of type text/plainBuilding Science for Disaster-Resistant Communities: Hurricane Hazard Publications
7.44KNovember 1, 2011