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You Can Become Part of the Mitigation Assessment Team Program

This page is about how you can become part of the Mitigation Assessment Team Program.

The Mitigation Assessment Team (MAT) consists of investigators that take an active part in FEMA's efforts to make residences, commercial buildings, and other structures impacted by disasters, natural or otherwise, more resistant to damage. The investigators review and assess the damages to provide recommendations and technical guidance for reducing future damages from disasters.

Team members include researchers, consultants, and authors, all of whom have produced technically authoritative works in their respective field. Here are just a few of the investigation fields:

  • Architecture
    • Building Codes
    • Historic Preservation
    • Retrofitting
  • Water Resources
    • Floodplain Management
    • Shoreline and Coastal Erosion
    • Floodplain Analysis
  • Hazard-Resistant Design and Construction
    • Flood
    • Earthquake
    • Hurricane
    • Wind
  • Engineering
    • Environmental
    • Geotechnical
    • Seismic
    • High Wind
    • Structural
    • Civil

Add Your Name to the MAT Roster Database

If you would like to take an active part in FEMA's efforts to make construction more resistant to damage from the effects of natural and manmade hazards, we would like to add your name to the MAT Roster Database. Follow these steps:

  1. Use the links in the left-hand margin to register, update your existing database information, or delete your information.

If you have questions about the MAT Roster Database, please contact the MAT Support Contractors by email:

Attn: Stuart Adams, Program Manager STARR II

Attn: Manny Perotin, Program Manager COMPASS

Note: To be listed in the database, you must be willing and able to respond quickly, in some cases within as little as 48 hours of notification. You must also be able to work under physically and mentally demanding conditions for extended periods of time.

If a disaster occurs, please do not call FEMA, STARR II or COMPASS, FEMA's MAT Support Contractors, to inquire about serving on a MAT. If FEMA decides to deploy a MAT, STARR II or COMPASS will call the selected team members to make arrangements. If you are chosen to serve on a MAT, you will work as a consultant to STARR II or COMPASS.

MAT News and Updates.

Last Updated: 
09/30/2015 - 13:22