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FEMA National Advisory Council Recommendations from March 2014 Meeting

This container includes the NAC's recommendations from the March 2014 Meeting in Philadelphia, PA and FEMA's formal response to these recommendations. The recommendations were sent to FEMA on May 6, 2014 and the Agency responded on June 25, 2014. Through discussions and deliberations, the NAC concurred to submit two recommendations to the Administrator related to Response and Recovery: 1) Regional Response and Recovery Capability and 2) Tracking and Storage of Mutual Aid Agreements.

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Icon for file of type application/pdfFEMA's Response to the NAC's Recommendations from the March 2014 Meeting

This memo is FEMA's formal response to the NAC's recommendations from the March 2014 Meeting.

0.06MJune 25, 2014
Icon for file of type application/pdfNational Advisory Council Recommendations from March 2014 Meeting

This memo is the FEMA NAC's formal recommendations from the March 2014 Meeting.

0.09MMay 6, 2014